Chapter 6

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       The next morning I woke up early for my potions class. I haven't gotten my books yet so I had to walk to the library to pick up my potions book from the librarian Irma Pince. When I got my book I looked at the clock saw that my potions class had already started.
       "You got to be kidding me" I said in a whisper as i ran to my potions class. When I walked in I saw a tall guy with long black hair and a black coat. Then that's when I knew it was Professor Snape.
      "Well your late.... Ms. Diggory" said Professor Snape.
       "I know" I replied back with a nervous tone for some reason they way he looked scared me.
       "Go sit next to Draco Malfoy". When i went to sit next to Malfoy I turned around to look at harry.
       "talk to him" as a matter of fact harry didn't talk he just did mouth movement which I knew that he said that because i'm a lip reading expert because of the times Cedric would lip talk whenever we had a plan to mess around at home.
       "Justice did you listen to what I asked you" Snape called out on me and I just sat there frozen not knowing that say.
       "No, sorry professor"
       "So is Harry Potter a bit more important than my lesson" when Snape said that I heard Draco giggling. I turned to my right to look at him and gave him one of my greatest meanest glares.
       "Shut up Malfoy" I said as this short professor with a pink outfit came into the class.
       "Professor Snape mind if I speak with your class" said the short lady. When she started talking all she was speaking about was some strict rules she put up so i decided not to pay attention to any of the words she was saying i was just reading my potions book to see what was interesting.
       "Now neither of you guys should break the rules or you will receive a punishment" when professor umbridge said that i looked up at her and she made eye contact with me.
       "Well isn't this Cedrics Diggory's twin sister" she asked with a smile that made me uncomfortable.
       "Sister not his twin" I corrected her
       "You guys look exactly the same I'm excited to see you in my office sooner or later darling" she said as i just gave her a dirty look as she walked away.
       "Good luck she choose you to go to waste" said Draco as him and Crabbe and Goyle laughed.
       "i mean she is trash so nothing is going to waste" i heard Pansy say behind me. I started clenching my fists together trying to hold in my anger but the more i tried to hold it the more i felt like exploding. So I just turned to look at Harry and saw that there was a empty seat next to him so I got up and left to sit next to him.
"They called me trash" I said as both me and Harry stared at them. We started laugh when i said that they called me trash not because the words were funny but because of the way I said it. When Professor Snape left to talk with Professor Umbridge outside; Draco decided to bother Harry next.
"How does it feel to be a cheater Harry Pottah" said Draco as I laughed.
"What's so funny" replied Draco with a angry tone.
"Pottah" I repeated laughing. But before Draco Malfoy was able to say something the bell rung.
"I'm going to the library with ron and Hermione try to look for Draco and speak to him"
" What if I don't find him" i said
"Then come to library if you aren't able to find him so we can think of a plan B because the first task is tomorrow"
"Fine I'll head over to slyhterin's common room and I'll try to look for him before my next class" i said as we both went in different directions.

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