Let's Talk Please

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No one spoke a single word at all you could only hear the sounds of breathing from the four males in the locked up room they were currently trapped in.

Kuro took glances at Mahiru as he saw his eve looking at the wall. Hyde took glances of Licht as well as he was moving his fingers like a piano was there.

Hyde and Kuro were really getting annoyed about this dumb argument that they were having with their eves. "I can't take this anymore!" Hyde yelled.

The two eves looked at Hyde. Kuro stood up as he sighed "Let's just talk please." He says as Mahiru and Licht looked at each other.

Licht looked at his Servamp then at Mahiru as he nodded "Fine but we all talk together no separate talks." He told him. Hyde and Kuro agreed as they all were in front of each other.

They stared at each other "Mahiru. I'm sorry for the mess I made and for what I said." Kuro apologized to Mahiru.

"Licht, I'm also sorry for everything that I said and done." Hyde apologized to Licht as well. Both the eves really wanted to say something but they just couldn't.

Hyde and Kuro looked at each other "Sooooo. Are you going to apologize now?" Hyde asked the two eves. 'Damn it! I really do want this stupid fight to end with this stupid hedgehog! But I just can't say it.' Licht thought to himself.

Mahiru was thinking to himself 'Oh man. I really do want us to stop this argument that me and Kuro are in. But how am I suppose to put it in words! This is not simple at all!'

The Servamps raised an eyebrow to see their eves were really deep in thought as they were making faces. "Are they alright?" Kuro asked Hyde.

Hyde shrugged his shoulders "Not sure." He tells his brother. One of the Servamps were about to speak until Licht yelled "Damn it! You stupid hedgehog why do you have to apologize!"

That cause Hyde to flinched "Dang it! Why do you have to apologize too Kuro!" Mahiru yelled and that cause Kuro to flinch as well.

Mahiru spoke first "I should be the one apologizing...I never should have said those horrible things to you. It wasn't your fault at all, I already know you." Mahiru had tears streaming down his cheeks "I know I went too far with what I said...I really didn't mean to say all that but I just felt so angry that you didn't listen. But I know that you live up to your name Sleepy Ash Servamp of Sloth. I don't regret making the contract with you...I care too much for you...you been by my side when I felt alone. I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm so so so sorry..."

Kuro eyes widen to see Mahiru crying, he never seen him crying since he always puts on a brave face. Kuro grabbed his eve and hugged him "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean any of those stuff I said to you, your the first eve that I ever had and I don't regret making that contract." Kuro could still feel Mahiru tears.

Licht looked down "It's my fault that we're in this big argument to begin with Hyde. I shouldn't have kicked you like that. I know that it was wrong of me to bring up your past and say just horrible things to you..." Licht tried hiding his face as tears started to form"I know that you can actually be serious once and awhile, I should have listened to you instead of kicking you and saying horrible things to you. I'm sorry. I'm so so so so sorry, Hyde."

Hyde eyes widen too, he's never seen Licht his eve apologize or even shed a tear. He was always so violent towards the hedgehog but here was Licht feelings so bad for what he did.

Hyde grabbed Licht as he pulled him in a hug like Kuro did with Mahiru. "I'm sorry too. I didn't even mean any of those stuff too...I'm sorry Licht-tan." Hyde said as tears streamed down.

Licht felt Hyde tears as he wrapped his arms around him. "Angel-chan...I love you..." Hyde confessed to Licht as he was shocked and surprised.

Kuro heard what his younger brother just confessed to his eve so he might as well confess too "Mahiru...I love you." Mahiru was also shocked and surprised.

Mahiru and Licht both confess to each other that they held feeling for their servamps but they felt like it was just one sided.

Kuro was getting worried now since Mahiru didn't answer. Mahiru looked up at Kuro as he waited for his eve to answer him.

To be continued

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