-=How he wake's you up=-

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Hello, me again. Hope you guys are enjoying this, So I'm reading a lot of these types of books and a lot of them are sad like "when you realise he isn't coming home" or "He dies in your arms" I'm just here to say- I am highly likely NOT to do those because I'm a peppy and happy person most of the time and want other people to be happy as well. 

anyway, after that rant enjoy! 


Tony Stark
You normally sleep in when you can, Since he doesn't sleep a lot he stays down in his lab to he wakes you up by blasting Ac/Dc 50% of the time, The other 50% is gently poking you in your stomach/ head until you get out of bed and make him breakfast and or lunch.  

Steve Rogers
You both wake up at roughly the same time to go for a run with each other, You meet Sam by the edge and talk with him while Steve does 2 laps to your 1. But when you're too tired to go for a run you curl into a ball your own personal heat pack has gone. 

Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner, where to start. It's something new every day! Monday is gently shaking you awake. Tuesday is letting you wakeup on your own. Wednesday is bringing you breakfast in bed. Thursday is wondering where you went after you went to work before him. Friday you both just cuddle and relax. Since it's the day off. 

Thor Odinson

He isn't afraid to be a little rough when waking you up, So he jumps on the bed right next to you scaring you awake this normally end with him running around the palace while you chase him with a short sword given to you by Loki once he sees Thor run out of his room.  

Clint Barton
He's a trained assassin, He can easily sneak up on you while you sleeping and jump up on the bed and tickle you until you manage to escape and or give up and promise to make him food. 

Bucky Barnes
He knows not to startle you awake when your sleeping, You always have a knife or a gun close by in case something happens. He learnt that the hard way, Sneaking into your room he grabbed a cup of freezing water he then dumped it onto your head and you leapt up with a knife in your hand and almost cut his nose off, Quickly he blocked it with his metal arm. "Jesus christ Bucky!" You yell out once you realize who it is. 

Peter Parker

He gives you taps, Taps on the stomach normally but when you just roll over and ignore him he moves to your face, Taps on the nose and forehead. That normally gets you up and out of bed once he increases them. 

Sam Wilson
Sam is tired a lot and wakes up around lunch if he doesn't want to go for a run, He traps you in his arms and you just chill there until he wakes up or if your phone is close get a few selfies with him. 

T'Challa Udaku 
Since T'challa is a prince in training he is up before the sun is even peeking into the room, You normally wake up to the empty bed and a note saying where he will most likely be all day in case something happens. 

Scott Lang
Scott is a lazy ass and you know it, You wake up before him every day and go into your sister's room and talk over breakfast then you go down to say hello to your father and by around 1 in the afternoon, he'd stumble down the stairs while you would be eating late lunch after training.

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