𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝

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A small ringing ran through Regulus' ears. He blinked, several times, to try and stop it- After all, he couldn't show Father that what he said had such a big impact on him.

"They're a good family- I'm friends with the Father myself." Regulus heard his father say, from his desk.

It was quite rare that Father allowed Regulus' inside his study. Whenever he did, Regulus always got a bit nervous, realising how serious a situation must be.

And Salazar, this one was serious.

"I've seen her once or twice- a proper girl, fit for a wife." Father nodded, as he surveyed Regulus.

Regulus had to force his back to continue being as straight as possible, his face void of any emotion.

"I do believe, it's needless to say," Father paused, removing a lint from his jacket, "That you must be on your best behaviour. Wear the best." He gave him a pointed look.

"Yes, Father."

"Good. Can't have the family's name be tarnished," Father scowled, "Not again, in the very least."

Regulus nodded. Father gave him one more glance, before nodding his head towards the door.


Regulus nodded and swiftly left the study room. He reminded himself to keep his face avoid of emotion, until he arrived at his room. He could not afford any mistakes anymore. Not after-

He paused, as he passed his door. It was, of course, closed and probably locked, as Mother wanted nothing of his to even be visible in the house anymore.

Regulus could feel his chest filled with anger, and quickly made his way to his own room.

If he had not left, then Regulus wouldn't have to do this. If he had not left, Father wouldn't be this cold to him. If he had not left, Regulus could have lived his life, without the tremendous weight of being the sole heir to their family.

He entered the room quickly, containing to slam the door.

Sirius had managed to ruin everything as he left. Father wasn't as lenient as he once was. Mother went into a fit of rage over anything these days. Not to mention, he tarnished the family name, with his associations.

Regulus closed his eyes and took deep breaths. There was no need to get himself worked up at the moment. He'd see Sirius again at Hogwarts, in a few months, and he'd make a point to show Sirius that he was no longer welcome, or even a part, of their family.

In hopes to calm himself, Regulus grabbed the unopened newspaper Kreatcher had recently brought. He sat at his desk chair and flipped through it.

There was an interesting article close to the end about the different brooms available, and the best ones for each quidditch position. His own broom was in need to be updated if he planned to beat Ravenclaw this year and win the cup.

However, Regulus didn't make it that far. There, on the second page, stood an article about the war.

Death Eaters kill 7 muggles and injured 16

Regulus quickly read the article, his determination rising. This is what he wanted, what he was meant to be. Not only would it show Father and Mother that he was nothing like his disappointing brother, but it was the right thing to do. Those filthy muggles and mudbloods needed to know their place.

Regulus cut the article and carefully stuck it to his wall, making sure it didn't cover his family crest. He took a few steps back, to truly appreciate his collection.

As he gazed at it, Regulus realised that he was on his way to his adult life. He knew what he wanted to be, and he had already spoken with his cousin Bellatrix about it. He was to be married once he turned 18 and would go to meet his betrothed next week, on a family dinner.

Yes, Regulus realised, his life was about to start. 

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