𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐- 𝐀 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

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Regulus hated apparating.

Truly, why would any wizard prefer it to flying? When he flew, he felt like a bird, zooming around freely, the adrenaline in his blood keeping him warmer than any blanket ever could. Flying was the best thing to Regulus, especially compared to apparating.

As they landed, Regulus clutched his stomach, in hopes of calming it. The last thing he needed was to vomit.

"What's the matter with you?" He heard Father snap his way.

"Stop walking, Orion." He heard his mother mutter.

Regulus felt both his parents glares on him, and swallowed the bile trying to work its way up his throat.

"Just uneasy about the travel." He muttered, hearing Father scoff.

"You still get that? Best to deal with it-fast. You're getting your licence soon and if you dare to vomit here-" Father sighed and left the sentenced unfinished, but Regulus knew what he meant.

It was true, he needed to get over it. How unfitting would it be, if the heir of House Black was to vomit on some important guest, just because of apparition?

"Breathe." His mother said, smoothing his robe. "And don't you dare puke in these robes."

Regulus nodded, and soon, continued to walk next to his father, towards the big gates.

Fawley's Manor was entirely different from his own house, but very similar to his cousin Narcissa's new home.

The Manor was big and surrounded by impeccably decorated lawns. Even the gate, as rusty as it was, seem to add to the light atmosphere of the manor.

The gates opened on their own accord, and the three made their way to the big entrance. Regulus tried to control his breathing and forced his face into a stoic expression.

He needed to make a good impression, not just for himself, but for his family. He was the heir now, and heirs have certain responsibilities.

Just as they arrived at the entrance, the doors opened, and there in front of them, stood the Fawley's.

"Orion!" The oldest male- the father no doubt- exclaimed, letting go of his wife's waist to go shake Father's hand. "Glad you could make it! Let me introduce you- you already know my wife, Augusta-"

The woman politely nodded.

"- This is my son, Aellius-"

Mr. Fawley pointed to a tall blond boy next to him, who looked rather bored.

"And my daughter, Marcella."

The girl was standing next to her mother, her blond hair in a neat bun. She smiled at them, showing her dimples. She was easily one of the prettiest girls Regulus had even seen. He politely smiled to her when she turned to him.

"Enchanted." Father said, sounding everything but. "You know Walburga already I assume, and this is my son, Regulus."

Regulus smiled politely, just as Father had taught him as a child, and shook Mr. Fawley's waiting hand, making sure the not put too much or too less strength in it.

"A strong lad." Mr. Fawley commented, his eyes meeting Father's " A fine heir. Wouldn't expect less from you, Orion." Mr. Fawley chuckled, and Father threw Regulus a proud smirk. Regulus could feel himself breathe easier now.

"Augusta, dear, why don't you show Mrs. Black around, before lunch?"

Mrs. Fawley nodded, and motioned for both Mother and Marcella to follow her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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