just thinking

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Violin boy:

It was something about the way he looked at her, Something in his eyes that got to her every damn time. Her stomach would flip and her hands would sweat and she'd get the urge to hide behind something. He made her so crazy that when he was around she would turn into the loudest, most obnoxious teenage girl. And she fucking hated it.

She resented the fact that he could have such an effect on her. She'd never even spoken two words to the boy and yet there she was yelling about god knows what again hoping that he'd notice her? HOW WAS THAT EVEN REMOTELY FAIR

something in the way that he flicked his eyes over to hers tugged at her chest. She lost her breath everytime she met his eyes. And then she'd immediately look away, preferably making her way to the area farthest away from him so that she could compose herself, saving what dignity she had left.

He'd tell her not to bite her nails. He'd hold that hand to make sure she wouldn't, or do something equally distracting/anchoring. He'd marvel at her profile as the lights hit her face. He'd take sneaky candid photos of her. He would let her hold onto him as they walked through crowds. He'd turn the music down so she could sleep on the way home. He'd wait for her outside the bathrooms. He would be patient with her no matter what. He would stand that much closer when he noticed her getting cold, just close enough to touch, but not so close that she'd get nervous.
He would take so many snapchats with/of her.
He'd be careful with her. He may let her drive his car, but maybe not. He doesn't mind when she stays up to write. He doesn't mind when she wears his hoodies (they look better on her anyway). He respects the fact that she doesn't like all of his friends.
He likes that she's such a good listener. He'd tell her that she doesn't need makeup. He'd carry her shoes for her. He'd open doors for her. He's always surprised when she's affectionate, but very quick to reciprocate.

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