shit cheerio

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Supernatural storyline;

Dean wanders slowly down the hall to ina's room munching grumpily on a bowl of cereal. Rory had gone someplace with Sam, probably to buy clothes or some shit. She had been on this 'normal life' kick and was stocking up on obnoxious pantsuits that made her look like a sexy librarian and stunned Dean just a little bit every time he saw her in them.

Ina's door was open a tad and moving with the wind coming in and out of the window. He pushed it open with his foot and took a big bite, crunching the crisp cereal loudly. Ina rolled over a little and opened one eye.

Dean stopped chewing and gave a big grin, dropping some cheerios from his mouth onto the floor. Ina didn't say anything, rolling onto her back and closing her eyes. Dean sighed, sad he didn't get the attention he wanted but smiled at her giant feet poking out her covers. Leaning against the door frame he slips to the floor and crosses his legs, continuing to chew as loudly as possible. Ina opens her eyes again, narrowing them at dean and his stupid hedgehog hair, refusing to think it was maybe the cutest thing she'd ever seen.

"Can you fuck off?" she croaks, her voice stale from the night.

"I honestly don't know how you sleep like this. It's literally 20 degrees here." Dean smirks and brings the bowl to his lips, slurping the milk loudly.

"I'm sleeping you greasy slug. Fuck off." Ina turned her back on dean.


Dean sets the bowl on the floor and gets up making as little noise as possible. He creeps towards her bed and when he's about a foot away he jumps with his arms out, aiming his belly to land on her legs. Ina's eyes snapped open to look at him mid air and just as he was about to make his descent he stopped. She nods to herself, closing her eyes lazily, a mischievous smile appearing on her full lips at his floating body all while Dean's face is a mix of horror and confusion. Dean protests but ina puts on her headphones and goes to sleep, leaving Dean stuck mid air till Rory gets home to help.

Rory kicked the door closed with her foot, hurrying into the kitchen to set the bags in her arms on the counter.

"Have you seen dean?" Sam was sitting at the counter munching on a bagel. He looked up and shrugged his massive shoulders.

"Not since yesterday, why?" Rory frowned, cheeks flushing.

"I dunno," it was her turn to shrug. "kinda miss him..." she mumbled to herself. Unfortunately, Sam didn't have big ears for nothing and heard.

"Oooooh okkkkkkkkk," Sam wiggles his eyebrows and points at her, his voice carrying through the whole floor. Rory's eyes widen and she quickly throws a kiwi at his face. He dodges it at the last second, coughing on his last bite of bagel. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Neither can I!" She squeaks, busying herself with putting away the rest of the groceries.

"Rory, do you like him?" Because he knew for a fact that his older brother liked her, too. Rory scoffed, sticking her head in the fridge.

"that boy is tolerable at best. Did you make coffee?" Sam could tell that that would be the end of the discussion. He nodded once her face was visible again.

"I'm gonna bring some to Ina."

And that's when Rory finds Dean frozen half in the hallway and half in inas room. She stepped around him, ignoring his muffled protests. His eyes watch her as she goes by.

"Ina, what the fuck, that's a new one." She holds the mug out, nudging her sister awake. Ina lets out a groan, turning over, hands reaching blindly for the coffee.

"He deserved it, was being shit cheerio" she mumbled back incoherently as Rory placed the cup into her hands. The bowl of Cheerios on the floor catches her eyes.

"Get me out!" Dean's voice is clearer now in closer proximity

"But do I wanna?" Rory walked up to him, eyes doing a once over, stopping at his face. Stop counting his freckles right now, Rory. She chided herself, lips quirking into a smirk.

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