half asleep

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Janoskians/Jamie and Luke/juke storyline:

Luke was half asleep when he stumbled into the room, struggling to keep his eyes open, peeling off his clothes to crawl into bed.
Jamie was already under the covers writing, her hair in a bun and her glasses resting on her nose.

She looked up as he made his way to the dresser.

"Alright?" Her voice was quiet and scratchy, telling him she was just as tired as he was.

He nodded.

"You should take a shower." He paused with his arms over his head, his shirt half off his chest.

"Whah?" His words were muffled by the cotton touching his lips. He heard her get out of bed and then she was in front of him, reaching up and pulling his shirt off the rest of the way.

They stared at each other for a while, his eyes bleary at first but then he blinked and was suddenly aware of the black liner on her eyelids and her big, dark lashes blinking up at him.

He swallowed.

Jamie's started chewing on the inside of her lip- a habit she had yet to change, one that she knew drove him crazy but she couldn't help it! She was focusing on the blonde in his hair and the mole on his nose and the green in his eyes and the day old scruff on his jaw- too many things at once. Why did he have to be so pretty? It wasn't fair.

His brows furrowed at the sight of her chewing on her lips.

"Jamie," his own voice came out scratchy and he had to clear his throat before continuing. "For fucks sake, Jamie." She lifted her hand to her mouth, tugging off another piece of skin, placing her other hand on his chest.

"You're the one who's shirtless I'd call us even." She glances up at him and shrugs, relishing the heat coming off of his body, reminding her she didn't have bottoms on.

"you're not wearing pants so we're actually not even." He rests a hand oh her waist and smirks as her eyes widen, watching her lips part in surprise. His face falters when he feels her fingers gliding up and down his stomach.

"That's entirely besides the point." Shes staring at his collarbones now

"And the point is?" He clears his throat and squeezes her waist, smiling when she squeaks and pitches forward into him. Having had this experience many a time he catches her easily against his chest.

They were taking it slow. One day at a time since theyd been back together. Call it what you want- they were figuring out how they worked again. It was all old but so much of it felt new. They were having to learn each other all over again.

"Point being," she looked up at him this time, determined not to get lost in his dreadfully wonderful sTUPID hazel eyes, "you should take a shower."

"What are you trying to say?" He wrinkled his nose as she laughed at his indignant tone.

"I'm saying the hot water will relax you and you'll sleep better, god damn"

"Oh." He kissed the top of her head, noting that she'd already showered due to her damp hair and soft skin.

"So go," she pressed her lips lightly to his chest before stepping back to shoo him away.

She was right. She usually was about things that related to sleep. He was out of the shower in a regrettable half hour because the water felt too good. But his hair was clean and his skin was smooth and warm as he got dressed and pulled a fresh shirt over his head. He made sure to dry his hair as much as possible because who wants to go to bed with wet hair.

He opened the door and was surprised to see the bed lamp still on- though, he shouldn't have been, she could stay up writing forever. Jamie looked up, soft smile gracing her lips as she pushed her glasses up her nose.

"Better?" He nodded gratefully and lay down beside her, his eyes fixed on her face. She yawned and pushed her glasses up again. Her makeup was now smudged around the edges and her eyelids were drooping more and more each second.

"Jamie" he sighed, bringing his hand up to touch the middle of her back. He felt the shiver that went through her body, seeing the goosebumps pop up all over cream colored skin.

"Mm?" She bit her lip and continued to write in her notebook.

"Go wash your face." He nodded towards the bathroom. Her nose scrunched up. Before she could protest or even ask reasoning he added, "you'll thank me in the morning, and you've also told me how bad it is to sleep in your makeup." She met his eyes and stared for a moment before nodding to herself.

"Yeah alright," her words were laced with reluctance as she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He was right, though he tended to be when she was sleepy.
Luke put the pencil in her notebook to keep her place before closing it and setting it on the side table.

He was trying not to fall asleep and failing miserably when she climbed back into bed, her makeup washed off now, her skin clean and moisturized. His arm immediately wound around her waist and he pulled her to him, burying his face into her neck. She sighed happily and intertwined her fingers with his.

"Gnight" he mumbled into her skin.

"Night babe" was her quiet reply, her breathing already slowing, her mind and body drifting off to sleepy land.

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