Chapter 23

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Double update!!!!!

Rishi pov :

"Arghh!! Her phone is not reaching" I groaned, from when I got call from Pooja I was trying to reach her.

"Don't worry she shared location right it was showing in the middle of the forest" raj said try to calm me.

I speed up my car speed driving towards forest. Pooja shared me her location before her phone went disconnected.

"Rishi calm down" raj said I held steering grip tightly "I did a mistake raj, I shouldn't leave her alone" I said i felt my eyes formed tears.

Please god!! Don't let anything happen to her!!!

"It was my fault to leave her at this time" I said and stopped car at forest. "Car won't go inside" I said and got down rain was pouring heavily.

"Signal was stopped here" he said looking into phone "you go that side I will go this side" I said and ran into forest.

"Pooja" I shouted running soon I saw a taxi I went to there and search inside but there were no one. I saw Pooja phone on back seat I took it.

I search around but no one is there "Rishi" I hear shouting I turn around it was Pooja voice.

"Aaahhhhh" i hear her screaming "Rishi" she shouted my name I start running towards the voice. In rain and darkness I couldn't find anything.

"Rishi" i again hear my name my eyes fall on her who is struggling, a man was trying to force himself on her i fisted my hands.

How dare he to touch my Pooja!!!!

I start running towards them soon she hits that man away but he pushed her back. Pooja screamed and closing her eyes.

I ran into them and pulled that man back holding his neck from back side. "How dare you to touch a women" I said start punching him on his face.

He try to hit me back but I held his hand and twisted it away making it brake his bones.

"I will punish you like you will get scared if you see any women" I said and hit him on his stomach.

"Rishi leave Pooja needs you" raj said coming and pulled that man away I saw Pooja was groaning in pain holding her head.

I ran towards her and bent on my knees I took out my shirt and make her wear it "Rishi" she mumbled I saw  blood was oozing out from her back of head.

I took out handkerchief and put it near her wound stopping blood. I made her sit she immediately hugged me.

"Shhh——don't worry I am here" I said she start crying loudly I saw polices came and took that man into custody.

"He——try——" she is trying to say but hiccuped "shhhh——it's okay I am here I am here" I said and make her stand up but she was about to fall I held her she was groaned holding her ankle.

"My ankle" she said I lifted her in my arms she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly hiding her face in my neck.

"Rishi come take her home" raj said "we will inform you sir" police said I nodded and take pooja to car.

I placed Pooja in passenger seat and checked her ankle it was swollen I touched her ankle she flinched.

"It was paining" she whispered I saw her she was in tears my heart clenched when I saw her like that.

I immediately hugged her putting her head on my chest.

"I did a big mistake leaving you alone" I said tears formed in my eyes it was my mistake for leaving her. How could I do that.

"Sshhhhh.....No one will ever touch you I am so sorry" I said and pulled back cupping her cheeks she keep crying I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"He—-try to—-" she was keep saying this I think she went into shock "Pooja look at me" i said held her face in my hands she looked at me with her teary eyes.

"No one ever lay their hand on you until I am alive" I promised her she didn't said anything just looking into my eyes.

I start car driving to hospital in car she was sat silently looking outside didn't said anything.

Raj give her towel so she would dry herself but she didn't make a move.

I took her to hospital after they done with first aid and doctor told me that her ankle was twisted and they bandaged it.

Doctor told me that she can freely walk after a week.

I stopped car at home raj got down I saw Pooja was keep looking outside didn't move an inch. I got down and walk to her side and opened door.

I lift her in bridal style and took her inside. When I was carrying her sri, binita and suji rushed towards us.

"Is she okay" suji asked me with teary eyes but Pooja was didn't said anything just staring at floor "she went into shock" I said and walked towards pooja room.

I placed her on bed "suji please change her dress or she will catch cold" I said as they followed me "don't worry I will take care of her" she said smiled at me.

I nodded and left the three ladies alone with my Pooja. I went to my room for take a shower.

I turn on the shower hot water droplets fall on my body.

I closed my eyes fisted my hands remembering how that basted touch my Pooja!!

How dare he!! I will make sure he will suffer for touching an women!!!

"because she loves you Rishi"

"because she loves you Rishi"

"Falling for your best friend is not a crime"

Is Pooja really loved me!!

Why I am feeling happy when I hear that she loves me!!!

I don't know whom my heart was wanting!!

Do I really love suji? Or i felt only attraction towards her!!!

"If you love two persons at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you love the first one then you wouldn't fall for second one"

Uncle words rang in my ears!!

Pooja is loving me!!

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