Chapter 25

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Pooja pov :

I felt something pulled me closer and I felt it is warm and smooth. Suddenly that thing is caressing my hair.

I frowned and opened my eyes slowly saw Rishi is staring at me and caressing my hair.

I observe our position. My hands were wrapped around his waist and my head is buried in his his neck.

His hands were wrapped around me and put his chin on my head I immediately moved back due to this fast movement my head start spinning.

I touched my head felt a bandage on it I saw my right leg also bandaged and in my hands there were lot of small bandages.

Then I remember how it happen and why it happen. When I remember I felt so disgusting. I can still feel his flithy hands on my body.

Tears formed in my eyes but these are anger tears. "Pooja" Rishi called me softly I saw him looking at me worriedly observing my pain.

"I am fine" I said and throw duvet aside and try to got down but I was about to fall two hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me back.

"How many time I told you to don't put your leg on ground" Rishi said glaring at me.

I looked down "I need to go washroom" I said he nodded and picked me in bridal style and took me to washroom.

Rishi placed me beside sink "after your work done call me" he said and left closing door behind him "don't lock it" he yelled from outside.

After I done with my business I was in thinking to weather call him or not. "Are you done" I hear rishi voice "yes" I said. He knocked door before entering.

He observed my bandages and took out tooth brush and placed paste on it and give it to me.

"Do it" he said I did as he said. He make sure that bandages didn't get wet.

"I will call suji or sri they will help you in bath" he said after we came outside he put me in bed. I held his hand before he was trying around.

"Aren't you angry on me" I asked him he didn't said anything "do you really have feelings for me" he asked me straightly kneeled front of me.

I lowered my eyes not meeting him "do you love me" he again asked me "I can take your silence as answer" he said and got up.

"We will talk these things about later we need to take care of your health" he said and left room closing door. I sat there tears are rolling on my cheeks.

How he was moving freely with me?

Is he showing pity! But he told that he wasn't!!!!

I hear a knock on door saw suji was coming inside she smiled at me softly I smiled lightly.

"Good morning" she said and went to my suitcase. "Rishi told me to help you in bath, so now select one dress" she said showing me my dresses.

She was helping me since yesterday! She knows about my love for rishi yet she was being kind with me!!!!

"Pooja" she called me I came out from my thoughts and saw she was holding towel in her hands "come" she said and make me get up but failed due to my ankle.

I sat back on bed when I felt pain in my ankle "wait I will call Rishi" she said and went outside after sometime rishi came into room.

He lift me in his arms and took me to bathroom. He placed me in a stool.

"Call me when you done I will be waiting outside" he said and left. Suji helped me in bath and made me wear my cloths.

Rishi came and took me outside he placed me on bed. "Now we will bride your hair" suji said and start combing my hair. "Here your breakfast" sri said coming into room.

She give plate to Rishi he took it from her and sat front of me in a chair "open your mouth" he said forwarding a morsel I opened my mouth as he said.

After Rishi feed me breakfast suji gives me my medicines "we will go back to our home in next week we can't let Pooja parents know this" rishi said checking my bandages.

"But why" raj asked "Pooja doesn't want it to know them" he said and looked at them.

"I am staying with Pooja here anyone wants to stay they can" he said seriously.

"We will stay" sri and raj said suji was in deep thoughts "it's okay suji you can go I know about your parents" Rishi said she looked at him.

"No I will stay here" she said "but suji you need to go your dad won't like this staying away" sri said.

"But who will help Pooja" she asked looking at me "we are here" binita said coming into room with darsh "yes she and sri will take care of Pooja you don't worry" Darsh said.

Suji looked at me and nodded "but Pooja you have to talk with me daily" she said I nodded she smiled.


The next day suji was going to her home before she left she was spending time with. We both sat on balcony.

"You know if I go back I will miss you guys so much but please come soon" she said cutting apple.

"What happen? Why are you not saying anything" she asked me.

I held her hand she looked at me "you hear everything,right!" I asked her she looked at confusingly "yesterday raj and sri saying" I said she looked at me smilingly.

"Yes I heard" she said "aren't you angry on me" I asked her "no" she said "I know that Rishi is not loving me anymore or should I say he never loved me" she said looking at garden.

"We both just attracted to each other" she said but I see tears in her eyes "he always talk about you if he was with me" she said.

"I didn't feel bad or insecure I thought this was the trust but I came to know that if I truly love Rishi I will feel all the insecurities" she said.

"I am afraid that one day he will come to me and told me that he is leaving me but he never does that instead he avoid me" she said.

"When I hear your conversations I got really angry but I feel guilty" she said and looked at me.

"Because I came between you two. If I weren't propose Rishi you both will be a couple now" she said a tears slipped from her eyes.

"Maybe he wasn't accepting but he fall for you in the starting" she said and wiped her tears.

"Maybe it is just attraction between us" she said "it's not attraction for you, you loved him. You feel insecure but didn't show" I said.

As much as I felt relief talking with suji there were on awkward while talking about the person whom we both loved so much.

"Yes I loved him but not more than you" she said and got up hugged me "don't lose him" she said and left leaving me in thoughts.

I feel like I am snatching someone's happiness when Rishi is with me!!!

"He loves you" she said held my hand but I smiled sadly "you are wrong he never loved me" I said looking away not showing my tears.

"Why are you saying like that he loves you" she said "I don't know weather you both loved each other or not but he was not loving me and he will never love me" I said suji shook her head.

"You are completely misunderstand everything" she said I shook my head "suji it was time" sri yelled from downstairs watching us we saw everyone was waiting for her.

"Pooja we will clear this later but don't go to any conclusion" she said and hugged me "take care" she said i nodded.

I was about to got up she stopped me "no no don't come you need rest, you can wave bye to me from here" she said pointing main gate it was viewable from my room.

I nodded she hugged me and left I saw her talking with everyone.

You misunderstand suji, Rishi will never love me!!

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