˚✽ ┊ incorrect quotes

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bobae: truth or dare?hongjoong: truthbobae: how many hours have you slept this week?hongjoong: dare

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bobae: truth or dare?
hongjoong: truth
bobae: how many hours have you slept this week?
hongjoong: dare.
bobae: go to sleep
hongjoong: i don't like this game

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bobae: if a guy calls you princess in a condescending manner, assert your newly appointed royal status and have him beheaded

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mingi: *stares at the wall*
bobae: mingi? what's wrong?
mingi: did you know that rap stands for rhyme and poetry?
bobae: *sits down next to mingi and stares at the wall*

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bobae: i hate going into the kitchen and finding out i'm the only snack in the house

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bobae, hyping san up: you're the hot girl that everyone wants
san: i'm the hot girl?
bobae: the hottest girl
wooyoung: *walks in*
san: i'm the hot girl!
wooyoung, confused but not against it: yes... yes you are

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bobae: i want to change the world
seonghwa: for the better?

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hongjoong: what if i poured coffee in my cereal instead of milk
bobae, grabbing the coffee pot as she walks past: what if you don't

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jongho: are you mad at me?
bobae: no, why would you think that?
jongho, staring at his alphabet soup with only D, I, AND E: just a hunch

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yunho: adding lmao doesn't hide your hurt
bobae: yes it does lmao

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bobae: wooyoung and i have that kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's -
wooyoung: - sentences
bobae: please don't interrupt me

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hongjoong: who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
yeosang: it's bobae's turn
bobae: fuck shit up, but don't die
mingi, wiping a tear: truly inspirational :')

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jongho: *accidently hits bobae while dancing*
bobae: do you WISH for death?
jongho: everyday
bobae: bro no we talked about this

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bobae: i just discovered a neat trick! if you make brownies but don't cut them, you can eat the whole slab and say you only ate one brownie!
*five minutes later*
bobae, face down on the ground, groaning: do not do this

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seonghwa: how on EARTH did you get arrested?
bobae: i don't know! we didn't do anything wrong!
yeosang: when the police pulled us over, he asked 'papers?' and bobae replied with 'scissors' and drove off

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yunho: *walking up the stairs and taking four steps at a time*
bobae, falling behind and taking two: fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you -

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bobae: mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
mirror: it's you
bobae: wrong, it's yeosang, try again

bobae: mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?mirror: it's youbobae: wrong, it's yeosang, try again

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🪴 ⌇ -𝑮𝒀𝑼𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑮𝒀 ‧。˚

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