Chapter two: Woke up late

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I wake up feeling all refreshed and calm. Yes, it was a good sleep, I haven't had a good sleep in a while after Xion woke up early and would make a racket. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I then see a note left on the kitchen table. 

I have left for work, so has your father. Xion is not at school today, he’s with a tutor to learn more english. As usual, get ready for school and don’t be late. I’m sorry but you will need to walk this morning to school, it’s not that far. I have leftover dumplings in the fridge if you want them for breakfast. We will see you tonight, if you need anything you have my number. 

Xx Mama. 

I get my alarm clock and look at the time, oh no! I realised that I slept in for too long. I’m an hour late for school. I ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed my hair and put it in a messy ponytail. I then ran to my bedroom and grabbed my school bag. Lastly, I go into the kitchen and shove a dumpling in my mouth. I didn't have time to brush my teeth so I opened the door and ran out. 

Never have I ran to school before. It honestly feels like I’m running a marathon that’s going on and on. 
‘ It’s not that far’ mum said, what a total lie! It is far! Feels like I’m running to the middle of nowhere. I try to multitask by eating my dumpling while running and carrying my school bag. 

This is not working for me, at all. I spit the dumpling out and continue running.  Then I see my neighbour Mrs Flayfen watering her plants in front of her house. She must have dropped her kids off school already. Then I see her six year old’s pink and purple barbie doll bike, I don’t have a choice. 

I ran to my neighbour, “ Hey can I please borrow your daughter's bike, I’m running late for school and when I’m late I get detention. So the earlier the better!” Mr’s Falafel nods, “ Go ahead”

I grab the bike and hop on. As I ride off Mr’s Falafel talks again, “ Honey I should probably tell you-”

“ Sorry, no time. Goodbye!” 


After doing what felt like for thirty minutes, I am super embarrassed. I throw the bike in the bushes and hide it. Exhausted, I ran as fast as I could to the school building. What lesson do I have oh yea PE. I go to the gym and see that everyone is staring at me and laughing.

I turned to my teacher Mr Brick, “ I’m so sorry, I overslept and yeah I kinda got late,” Mr Brick walks up to me, “ Miss Zhangine I think you should go and change. When you come back I will assign you to your punishment.” Everyone laughs, I look down to see myself in my pajamas. I turn bright red and become redder when Daniel walks up, “ Hey Lotus, want to borrow my coat and I can help you borrow some PE clothes in the uniform shop?”

I smile, “ Sure, thanks.” Mr Brick nods, “ Good, good the rest of you do three laps around the gym go!” 

“ Here we are” Daniel comes back with his school coat, he places it on me and I blush, “ Thanks, we should probably go to the uniform shop now,” Daniel and I head to the uniform shop, I put some PE clothes on and hand Daniel back his coat. 

As we walk back to our lesson Daniel asks me, “ What happened this morning?” I shrug, “ I think I forgot to put my alarm clock on and I overslept. I usually rely on my mum to wake me up in the morning but not today.”

“ Well mistakes happen,” 

“ Yeah,” Mr Brick then comes up to us, “ Okay, I’m nice today missy so I will assign you to do either thirty squats or forty five sit ups.”

I think for a moment, “ I’ll do the sit ups,” Mr Brick nods, “ Good, Sharwood you make sure she does it. You guys have twenty five mins left.” 

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