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Emmi and Kim: Two regular Angels, with two regular hearts. Can anyone stop themselves from falling in love with someone? No, they can not. Never. You can't resist it, no matter how hard you try. So when Emmi and Kim went on a mountain hike, their hearts fell for two people they never thought they would fall for. Two Devils: Kendall, and James. Two Devils, with mirthless hearts. But, even their mirthless hearts couldn't resist the temptations they felt. But Angels and Devils can not be together. Not in this lifetime. Never in a million years. It's just their fates that crossed each other's paths, and they had to suffer the uncontrollable passions they felt for each other. No matter how hard they tried to hide, no matter how hard they tried to resist, they couldn't forget. What happened in the end? What was the full story? You just gotta read more to find out.

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