Chapter 3

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Jo was stunned by the sight of her ex husband starring at their baby girl that he didn't know about.
"Alex leave, please." Meredith asked, as she turned and stood up, trying to nudge Alex out of the daycare doorway.
"How old is she?" Alex said, as she stood as still as a statue, starring at the child that Jo held tightly in her arms.
"Go. Now." Meredith was more commanding then asking now.
"How old?" Still ignoring Meredith's request.
"She's 1." Jo finally spoke up, quietly, but didn't look up at the man she once wanted to grow old with. "Mer, the presentation.."
"Alex, leave now please. We have to go."
"Yeah, I know. I'm going." He finally shook his attention from the child who looked like a tiny version of Jo, to Meredith. "Can we talk later?" He whispered to Mer. She just nodded, trying to not draw the attention of Jo. Alex left. He's gotten pretty good at that.
"Come on, Jo. We have to go"
"I'm coming." Jo replied. She kissed the top of her one year olds head, sniffing in the smell of her hair once again, before getting up and passing her off to the daycare workers. "I love you, Eve. You're okay. We're okay."

Meredith and Jo stood silently in the elevator, both shocked at recent events. A single tear fell from Jo's eye, falling onto her chin and then onto the elevator floor. They walked to the presentation room, hearing their names being announced by Bailey just as they arrived at the door. Applauds came from the crowd of more then 100 people, varying from doctors to news reporters and journalists, all filling the seats. People came from all over to see it. But the only person Jo noticed and cared about was Alex as he stood in the back where he thought no one could see him. He was wrong. Jo's blank expression throughout the whole presentation clearly showed that.

Once the hour long presentation was done, and broadcasts were over, Alex was the first one out of there. Both Meredith and Jo now noticed him rushing out of the door, and both were as shocked as each other. Jo froze once again. All the memories of their relationship came rushing back as people shook her and Grey's hands. It was like when she saw Paul for the first time in years, except this relationship wasn't abusive. It was loving. Kind. Mature. Overall perfect. Until it wasn't.

Jo rushed out as soon as she could, leaving a few reporters hands unshook, and a few doctors questions unanswered. Meredith followed after.
"Jo! Jo, stop. Come back."
"Meredith, I can't. I need to know she's okay."
"Jo, please."
"What? What is it? What's so much more desperate then me seeing my baby? Protecting her. What?"
The two were now shouting across the ends of the lobby, infront of all of the reporters leaving, grabbing the attention from a few doctors.
"Just stop." Meredith walked forwards, embracing her bestfriend in the tightest hug possible, before letting her go to her baby. It helped a lot ; Meredith knew what the impact of a simple hug can do to you.
"Thank you." Jo hurried away yet again, this time without her friend following behind.
"Mer?" He touched her shoulder lightly.
"Alex." She spun slowly.
"Can we talk?"
She nodded, pulling him into the closest conference room by the hand.

"Why are you here Alex?" She got straight to the point.
"To see you, and Zola, Bailey and Ellis..." He paused. "...and Jo. But it seems like she has a life already so."
"No. She doesn't. She's been here, with a babygirl for the last year and a bit, wishing you were here aswell."
"Is she mine?"
"Ofcourse shes yours, you dumbass." Meredith exclaimed, as she punched Alex's arm. "She's not been with anyone else since you." She hit him again, harder this time.
"Ow.. no need for that" Alex whined, rubbing his arm a bit.
"There's a big need for that. You left. You can't just come back, and expect it to be all good. You left your wife for Izzie fricken Stevens!" He got another punch.
Meredith interrupted. "No, Alex. I won't just stop. You should have stopped and thought about what you were leaving."
"I know." His head fell, as he now starred at his own feet in shame.
"No, you don't know. You know none of it." Meredith screamed, now slowly pacing around the room, turning quickly to see Jo standing in the window, bouncing Evelyn on her hip, starring at the pair as they fought.
"Jo..." Meredith softly said.
Alex looked up from his feet, glancing into his former wife's still-perfect honey brown eyes. He loved those eyes. The door handle opened slowly, as the tan, brown haired, hazel eyed girl walked in with a mini version of herself. Alex always wondered what that would look like. Now he knows.

Jo's attention was focused on Alex, but her eyes were on Meredith. "I was, uh- wondering if you could take Evelyn home tonight, Arizona called and asked me to assist on her patient tonight, instead of going to Joe's. There's food in the-"
"Arizona asked you to scrub in too?" Alex interrupted eagerly, a small crooked smile on his face, almost unnoticeable. Except Jo noticed. She noticed every detail about him. Always.
"Oh, uh, I didn't know you were on that case."
"That's one of the reasons of why I'm here." Alex implied. He was here for her aswell but she couldn't know that.
"Oh. Okay. I can tell her I can't-" She said as she shook her head.
Once again, Alex interrupted. "No. It's okay. Come do it. It's a good surgery. You'll want to be in OR."
"Yeah, sure." Jo started to tear up, so she went to smell her daughter's hair yet again.
"I'll take her tonight. The foods in the pantry, right?"
"Yeah." A small smile creeped onto Jo's face, but the reason for it is unknown. She walked out, and the door closed behind her.

Jo was glad Meredith could take Eve tonight, but she was also hoping that her bestfriend was busy so she didn't have to spend time with her ex-husband and could just go home with her baby. She knew Alex was in on that surgery. She just couldn't say "no" to Az after all the time apart from each other they've spent. They need to catch up. She needed to speak to Alex but over an open body was probably not the best place for a conversation like this to happen.

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