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"guys c'mon on!! Don't be slower then slugs!" crainer yelled at us, having a backpack on his back, smiling brightly because of the sun, then starting to chuckle a little bit, looking at us with happy and beautiful cyan-grey eyes,his light chocolate Hair going everywhere cuz' of the wind.

" coming!!" jelly yelled back at him,panting a little bit, since it was sunset, it was warn-ish outside, but since he's shorter than us,and carring a big 20-something cm picnic blanket, it must be heavy for him.

You might be asking yourself 'where are you guys going/doing?' well,to anwer you're question, crainer becided to have a picnic date, just watching the sunset while talking and playing games like uno reverse and stuff, crainer had the backpack where the games are, I have the picnic- food stuff (idk how they are called :')), and jelly has the blanket for us to sit on.

And Apparently, crainer knew a spot where the sunsets are such a beautiful view, so we decided to check it out.

' jeez with is this baskin' so heavy??, its like theses a jelly in there-' my thoughts stop once I hear someone call my name"Josh!! What are you waiting for,man??"crainer yelled at me, jelly dieing in the background," huh? "I grasp out, not even realizing that I stopped" oh, sorry just zoomed out I guess"i say a little shy and nervous about that"dont worry,now get youre butt up here! "crainer said in a pouty voice, making me blush and chuckle about it.

*time skip;) *

Me and jelly were just chatting and laughing, before I hear crainer giggle a little bit, his back in front of us so that we can't see what he's going." Crainer are you alright, babe??" I ask crainer, making jelly realize what was crainer doing"yea crainer what's up?? "jelly also asks him, crainer turning to us, smiling as brightly as before, a flower crown that was made of yellow flowers like, tulips, roses, etc.

He giggles before saying" I made flowers crows for all of us! "he said, very happy and proud of what he made. I smile loving his adorableness and happyness," really? "jelly says, eyes glowing of surprise and excitement," yes really! Ok, so I want to guys to cover you eyes "crainer says, looking at us, his hand behind him.

" Ok""alright" me and jelly say at the same time, both putting our hand over our eyes, closing then,I fell and then hear that something was puted on my head, I wait a few seconds before hearing"Ok guys! Open you eyes! "crainer said happyly, I open my eyes, seeing crainer in front of us, smiling brightly, very pink cheeks.

I start moving my hand to my head, taking the flower crown into my view, it has red roses, red and pink tulips also white tulip, I think, to go with my grey hoodie, I turn my head around jelly looking at his flower crown, it has lime greens tulips, and and three crossed leave things, I look back at mine, then at crainer, smiling a little, heat coming on my cheeks,I then start putting the flower crown back on my head, picking myself up, the putting my hands or crainer cheeks, surprising him, then I connect our lips, kissing each other.

After a few seconds, we pull away crainer slightly panting, smiling at me slightly, me smiling back, "Guys!! What the hell man?!why did you leave me alone??! I want kisses as well!" I hear jelly say in a high pitch voice, getting us as well, I chuckle a little bit while crainer was laughing at him, but the sound of laughter was cut off by jelly pressing his lips on crainer, cutting his laughter off.

Same as me, after a few seconds they pull away, I smile, ruffling there hair, me being the tallest of them, both of them pout at that, me laughing at that,

After a few seconds the others start laughing as well.


683 words

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