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Those were the words of choice whenever someone was to describe Night Raven college. A now-deserted school haunted with the students who tragically lost their lives there. Filled to the brim of evil spirits, ready to pry on innocent souls.

But we're those rumors true?

You always wondered that growing up. The tales your grandparents and parents did nothing to extinguish those thoughts. The tale about your great great grandfather, Neige LeBlanche, being poisoned by one of the students there. And for the pettiest reason of surpassing them and becoming the fairest of them all! He was the sweetest thing too!

But did that really make all the students they bad?

One man disagreed. His name was Malo Huxley. He was a rather old man who attended the same school as Neige, and apparently attended NCR for a year. The man and the tales he would tell you from his experiences in both schools always made you laugh. Sometimes it was just the silly hats he would wear that would make you laugh. They would light up, have mice perform tricks on top of it, sometimes even. Other times it really was just the stories. Like how he would sneak his two pet mice to the unbirthday parties and let them scurry across the table, how in Royal Sword Academy he would prank some of the unsuspecting students there with one of his lower class men, Che'nya.

But his favorite stories he told you, were the ones with his best friend William. Poor boy was a white rabbit, a bad omen in their town. He would be bullied relentlessly, and while his adoptive family tried their best to raise him properly, he always knew they never wanted him. They were only doing it because his real mom couldn't.

Malo always spoke fondly of William, which is what made you tart to wonder if all students in that school were bad.

But the good times never last as we all know. One day Malo started sputtering utter madness. He said that he saw William's ghost, begging him for help. That the students were haunting the school with no way out! It was crazy! You were too young to understand what was going on, but after a few months had passed, a carriage came to pick up Malo, and you never saw the old man again.

But you always thought about him. You always questioned the things the rest of the villagers said compared to what he said. Was he really just a madman, or is there really something more to that old school?

You looked off into the distant. You could see Night Raven college looming over a far away hill. If you squinted, you could see the smaller details that showed how abandoned it was, like the amount of overgrown vines on the towers, or the crumbling rooftops.

You only snapped out of your trance when you heard the rustling of the bushes. You saw a ghostly white rabbit hop out of them. It peers at you, tilting its head and letting one ear flop to the side.

You heard the stories about white rabbits. How they were bad omens and only brought trouble. How it was the white rabbit that brought Alice into wonderland. But this rabbit looked so innocent! Like he didn't know that some idiot of a human labeled him as a evil creature of horror! You couldn't help but coo at the small creature, kneeling down to get a better look at it.

It hopped closer to you, clearly hesitant. You remained still, and let it hop closer again. It sniffed you, then turned around and hopped away. You giggled, deciding to follow it. Just like the old fairy tail! How fun!

It began to pick up the speed, leading you through the forest and weaving through the trees like it had the whole place memorized. You ran after it, struggling to keep up with her tiny creature, but managing. Good thing he had white fur, otherwise you definitely would have lost him by now.

You couldn't remember how long you had chase that rabbit. But once it stopped running, you collapsed and started gasping for some much needed oxygen. The rabbit nudged your arm, and hopped away.

That's when you noticed the school.

You had followed the rabbit all the was to Night Raven college.

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