Chapter two

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William lead you through the school, pointing in certain rooms and giving s quick description of them, before continuing along. You couldn't blame him for being in a hurry though, the school was rather large and it was late. All you really wanted to do was sleep, and you figured he would want to sleep as well. (Do ghosts sleep? You didn't know.)

"And finally, here's the Main Street. You can see the statues of the great seven down the street, each one represents one of the seven dorms." William said, pointing at the large, but incredibly old statues. There were some pieces of the statues that had worn down over time, others had fallen off. All of them had vines growing on them though, which made them seem less scary due to the pop of color.

"The Great seven...." You murmured. "You're familiar?" William asked. "Well it's kinda hard to grow up not knowing them." You said sarcastically. "Sarcasm noted." He sighed.

One statue caught your eye. It was if the Queen of Hearts, and while it definitely took it's fair share of damage, the bottom of her shirt was black, like it has been charred.

"What's up with that statue?" You asked, pointing. William examined the statue a little bit. "The bottom of her skirt." You said. He made a "oh" face. "That's a long story." He said.

"Well, we used to have a non-magic user here. She worked as a handy man of sorts. She also had a magic cat thing with fire magic." He started. "On the first day here, a freshman stared to make fun of her for not having magic and working as a janitor. Her cat got mad and he attacked him. The student fought back and well......" he trailed off.

"They burned the statue?" You asked. He nodded, his ears flopping a bit. "I'm a year above him, and usually have to watch over him when he's at the dorm because he tends to pull stunts like that. His name is-"

"Ace Trappola!" A new ghost cut in, causing you to gasp and jump back. He had orange-ish red hair and a heart painted on his face. "That's me! And don't listen to that stupid rabbit's story, that's not what happened!" He crosses his arms. "I didn't make fun of just Yuu, I also made fun of the cat for disturbing the ceremony and not knowing about the great seven."

"Really helping with first impressions here...." you grumbled. "Ace!" William yelled. "Aren't you on flamingo duty?"

"Relax they're already taken care of." Ace said, giving William a side glare.

"No they're not!" Great, another ghost. This one had dark blue hair and a spade painted on his eye. He came running out of the trees and grabbed Ace by the back of his collar. "You left me with them saying you were going to the bathroom!"

"That's your fault for believing such a dumb lie!"Ace elbowed the new ghost, who only glared at him. Apparently ghosts don't need to use the bathroom. You learn something new every day.

William crossed his arms. "Both of you need to get back to work! Riddle will have our heads if he finds out the flamingo enclosures haven't been cleaned out!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, there's flamingos here?" You asked. The new ghost turned to you, shocked. "That....that's a living, girl...." he said, although it came out like a question. "Well would you look at that! William actually got his job done!" Ace teased. "Both of you shut up! And as for your question Y/n, yes, there are flamingos here. They're not alive, but they exist." William explained.

"Wait-so if she's here-then that means-!" The new ghost became as red as a cherry, and was stuttering like crazy. "Jeez Deuce, relax would ya? It's not like she's going to marry one of us, it's probably going to be one of the dorm leaders." Ace nudged, well, more like shoved, Deuce as if it would help him relax.

"The dorm leaders?" You asked. "The guys you saw in the cafeteria with me." William explained. "The first one with the red hair is our Dorm leader, Riddle Rosehearts, The lion guy is Leona Kingscholar-" you cut him off. "Oh! The second born of After Glow Savannah! His family mourned him for years! As least, that's what I was told...." you said.

"Word of advise, never bring up his family, or the fact that he was born second in front of Leona. He....doesn't exactly like that." Ace explained.

William flicked a ear in annoyance. "Back to what I was saying, the guy with the glasses and silver hair is Azul Ashengrotto, the guy who was hugging you was Kalim Al-Asim, the guy with the heels was Vil Schoenheit-" you felt your stomach drop at the mention of his name.

That man was the man who tried to kill your great, great, great grandfather.

William didn't seem to notice your discomfort, so he continued. "The guy who was hiding with the fire hair was Idia Shroud, and finally the man with the horns was Malleus Draconia." He finished.

A thick tension filled the air as you mulled over his words. "That's....a lot of important people." You said. "And I'll have to marry one of them?"

"Well, we don't know that for sure, they're just the most likely to." Deuce spoke up. "For all we know you could end up marrying one of us."

"Malleus said she'll get to choose." William interrupted. "Don't expect her to make a choice so soon, she's only been here for a few hours."

Ace was about to speak, but then another ghost appeared. This one had green hair and glasses, and had a small clover painted on his cheek. "May I ask what's going on?" He asked.

"Trey Senpai!" Deuce jolted. "We were meeting the new bride!" Ace explained. Trey smiled. "Oh? William, you actually found her?" He asked. William puffed his cheeks. "Yes! Why is everyone so surprised?"

Trey only chuckled. "Oh well, Anyways, I came here to tell you the dorm leaders talked to each other about the living arrangements. Let's go meet up with them." He said.

"Wait! That means you knew I-" Ace snacked William on the back of the head. "Can it Bun-Bun, let's go!"

You sighed. Hopefully this would be over soon.....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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