Chapter 5

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Time: 11:57 am
Location: The BOW house (Octane,Wattson,and Bangalore)
Point of view: Wattson
Stuffing my face with food was a habit of mine when I'm nervous, I just can't help it. This led to my stomach feeling a bit woozy as I washed my plate after I finished eating. I slowly made my way upstairs-the stomach pain had gotten worse.

"Why do I do this to myself?"I whined quietly. Once I made it to my bedroom door,I grabbed everything I needed for my shower.

My outfit for the day was black yoga pants with a light blue Nike tank top, black and white Nike running shoes (I really like Nike as you can tell), and a black headband to top everything off. Pulling my hair into a high bun,

I made my way back down the stairs. Checking my navy blue Fitbit the time read 3:25."Great.."I muttered. This just meant I had to work extra EXTRA hard today.

Before I left I made sure I had a water bottle,my keys to the house, and my tablet. The tablet had a protective case on it so I didn't have to worry about breaking it. Once I was outside I made sure to lock the front door.

I then headed to the Apex work out area thingy-I'm not sure what to call it. I also decided to walk to the complex since it was only 10 minutes.

They have a complex type building that's located in the middle of everyone's houses- each teams house surrounds the complex.

Once I made it to the entrance I swiped my card on the scanner to let me in. After that I had to look into this hole where they would scan my eye as well.

Once all that was finished I made my way to the area workout room. By the door there were large glass windows so you could see inside the room-I was glad to see the room empty.

        Time: 9:00 pm

I hate working out.

My legs always feel like jello at the end, and I feel so sticky. My hair clings to my face which is annoying, and I just feel so exhausted.

My way back to the house was hard,why did I decide to walk! Hopefully I won't collapse on the sidewalk on my way back. Maybe I could call someone to pick me up?Who would I call though?

I don't want to be a burden for any of the legends, I don't want them to think I'm weak either. So I guess I'll just have to walk...yay.

Once I stepped outside of the complex I had to hold on to the door so I wouldn't fall. The outside air was way warmer then it was when I first arrived here-just my luck.

Ok Natalie, you got this. I encouraged myself the whole way back to try and not focus on the pain I was feeling. All of this pain will pay off,I just need time.

Five minutes in I had to take a break on the closes bench I could find. After taking a sip from my water I continued my journey back to my new home.

I almost burst into tears when I saw the driveway of the house. Luckily no one was home to see me in this state, so I decided to refill my water bottle with water.

As I watched the cool liquid rise up to the rim of my navy blue bottle,I heard a car pull into the driveway.

They can't see my like this! Panic clouded my vision as I quickly tried to put the cap back on the bottle. Once I did I booked it up the stairs as fast as I could. Reaching my room I collapsed on my hardwood floor.

After about two minutes I got the strength to gather some clothes and a towel to take another shower.

I decided on going with some black Nike sweats with a yellow t-shirt that stopped around my belly button- would you call this a crop top? I never fully understood what they were.

Time: 4:34 pm

Once I was fully clothed I stepped out of my bathroom. While I was in the shower I heard the rest of my team come home- so I decided on catching up with them.

I slipped on some fuzzy gray socks before I went downstairs. I heard arguing as I got closer to the kitchen. Standing there in front of the microwave were my two teammates fussing at each other.


"Aye, chill my amigo, I saw a video of someone with a tiny penny, they said they put it in the microwave and it shrunk! I just wanted to try it!"

After hearing that I started to giggle. The giggles then turned into a fit of laughter as I lost control, I could tell they stopped to look at me as they're bickering stopped once I started laughing.

"Natalie this isn't funny,he broke the damn machine!"Anita whined-that seemed to calm me down a little.

"I know I know,I can't help but laugh though." I said in between breathes.

I could see the dare devil smile at me- he only had his goggles on.

"Fine,whatever. Im headed to the firing range, I won't be back until late. Oh and please get us a new microwave."


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