How Did I Get Here

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Anvil Gate

17 years after E-Day

You were in the fort tending to the wounded. While you heard gunfire from outside, you just continued to suppress the noise and focus on helping others out. To be quite frank, you enjoyed fighting, you enjoyed every moment of killing those grubs. However you didnt want the same thing to happen to your brothers. A shot to the head was fatal, however if you and Clayton only knew of Benjamin's whereabouts, you could've both been there to save him.

You were cut out of your thoughts after seeing a giant flaming ball head towards the open area of the fort.

Hoffman: Incoming!

You jumped out of the way as the ball made impact. You shook your head to get away from being dizzy as Hoffman came over and helped you up.

Hoffman: Carmine I know you're a medic but we need every man we can get.

Hendrick: Where do you need me sir.

Hoffman: Get up those ladders and assist Bernie in the defense out there.

Hendrick: Yessir.

You ran over to the ladder and started to climb up it. When you neared the top Bernie gave you a hand up.

Bernie: Come on, on your feet. We need to get out there.

You both walked out a doorway and saw a few locust on the wall taking out a COG soldier. You opened fire at the locust and ran up and dug your knife into the last one.

Bernie: We need to take back that courtyard.

You looked over and saw more locust. You pointed your lancer up but a drone came up shoved you to the ground. He went to slam his foot down on your head you reached over to your lancer and turned on the chainsaw and slashed his leg. He fell to the ground and you got back up and fired a few rounds into him.

Bernie: We have no time to waste, get on that turret and help out our ground forces.

Hendrick: Yes ma'am.

You ran over to the turret and got on it. You looked out into the battlefield just outside of the gates fired at any locust that was moving closer towards the gate.

Hendrick: Colonel there's way to many of them what do we do.

Hoffman: We stand our ground Private. We have to hold out until Delta Squad can fire that weapon.

Hendrick: *sees Brumak* We've got Brumaks!

Hoffman: Private I need you to focus fire on those Brumaks dont worry about the ground forces we'll handke them.

Hendrick: On it sir.

You focused on the Brumaks killing one. The other fired back at you and you jumped off of the turret as it was destroyed.

Hendrick: Colonel the turrets destroyed I cant get the last one.

Hoffman: Damnit, our lancers will take forever to kill that thing.

Hendrick: *changes frequency* Clayton do you read, we're not doing good over here. When are you going to fire that weapon.

Clayton: *static*

Hendrick: Clayton... damnit.

You fired towards the ground forces and the Brumak came closer. You looked in the distance and saw a blue light coming towards you. It passed through you and you were blinded by the light.

Hoffman: They did it, they fired the weapon.

Your vision faded to black.

Timeskip 2 hours later

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