First Contact

413 9 1

Hereford Base; Firing Range

Hendrick POV

You stood at a table with your Lancer in your hands. You pressed a button on the wall and a series of targets popped up. You aimed down the sights of your Lancer and shot the targets one after the other in bursts. The last target dropped and you placed your Lancer down on the table. You looked to your left and looked at the screen displaying your accuracy... 94%

You picked up your Lancer and placed it on your back. You turned around to see a small group of people staring at you.

Hendrick: What? Is there something on my helmet?

Finka: Just taking into consideration now of how large your weapon is.

Castle: Just how large is the magazine capacity?

Hendrick: Its only a 60 round mag.

Castle: Ammunition?

Hendrick: 5.56x45

Mozzie: Mate, where can I get one of those?

Hendrick: I think you're a bit short to be a Gear.

Mozzie: Well that bloody sucks.

You lowered your voice as you looked away

Hendrick: I mean it's somewhat of a death sentence.

Castle: Did you say something?

Hendrick: Nothing!

Mike pushed his way through the small group and walked up to you

Thatcher: Apologies for the short notice, but Harry needs you in the briefing rooms.

Hendrick: Its fine, but uh... where is the briefing room?

Thatcher: Follow me.

He turned around and started to walk back into base as you followed close behind him. You walked through the halls until you reached a room with double doors. He opened the doors and you saw Harry at the end of a table with a few other Operators standing alongside the table.

Harry: Carmine.

Hendrick: Six.

Harry: Thank you for grabbing him Mike, you're dismissed.

Thatcher: No Worries.

Mike left the briefing room and closed the door as you looked back over at Harry

Harry: Reason I called you all here is because there was recent activity at an abandoned mineshaft in Ireland. I want you to get there, investigate, and report back what you find. Any questions?

You raised your hand

Harry: Carmine?

Hendrick: Yea, why am I here?

Harry: Your gear protects you from harmful gas, correct?

Hendrick: I mean, yea?

Harry: Incase things go south and my team is compromised, I need someone to get them out.

Hendrick: Yes sir.

Harry: Good, now you're all off.

You left the briefing room and went outside to the Helipad with the others. You all got into the helicopter with Marius piloting. The helicopter took off and you were off to a place called Ireland. You sat with your Lancer laying across your lap.

Ash: So... you're not planning on resorting to the chainsaw, right?

Hendrick: Depends.

Ash: On what?

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