Children - part 1

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A/N - they aren't 17

Waking up to Louis's strong arms around you and wonderfully sunny day, you knew something positive was in the midst.

Stretching, you walked to your kitchen to begin breakfast preparation when suddenly you felt queasy and rushed to the bathroom just in time to throw up. Louis came running through after hearing your wretching,

"It's okay baby, it's okay" He soothed, rubbing your back,

"I don't feel.. good-" you managed to say before turning back to the toilet and repeating what had just happened.

You were supposed to have gone into work but Louis, being the wonderful boyfriend he is, called in sick for you.

Later on, the front door clicked open to reveal Louis holding a white plastic bag,

"Hey baby, I went out and got some things for you," he began emptying the bag onto the bed, "I bought some chocolate, a set of books for you to read and.. I also got a pregnancy test" He said, looking sheepish at the last part,

"Aww thank you babe! I think I might go try the pregnancy test, but don't get your hopes up, okay?" You asked


You had to ask for this small detail because last time you thought you were pregnant, you lost the baby at 4 months which was devastating for you both and Louis wasn't the same for a while afterwards. You didn't want him to loose all hope of having a family again.

Reading the instructions and doing the test, you put on a timer and waited for the 3 minutes.

Your ringtone went off and you nearly turned the test over before you remembered what reading the results meant.

You walked back into the living room, to see Louis sitting on the sofa, deep in thought,

"Louis?" You almost whispered,

"Oh has the timer gone off?" He asked, leaving his thoughts behind,

"Yeah, should we look at it now?" You asked nervously,

"Umm, yes, I think so" Louis begins to fidget with the zipper of his hoodie and you realise just how nervous he is too,

"Okay, I'll count to 3 then turn it over, ready?"


"Okay, 1, 2... 3"

You turned the test over and gasped; you were pregnant!

"Oh my god!" You turned to Louis, "oh my god!"

You both jumped up and down in excitement, suddenly Louis bent down and lifted your shirt to reveal your stomach,

"Hey little baby, we can't wait to meet you! I'm your daddy" he kissed your stomach and then rose up to passionately meet you lips with his own.

"Hey hey, shh" you soothed, stroking his hair, wanting to remind him that the same situation could reoccur, "don't get too excited babe, I might loose the baby again-"

"Y/N, be positive, okay? We don't know what will happen but we can stay positive, promise me you'll try?" He said grabbing your hands,

"I'll try"

Saturday 10 October 2020

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