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         JASMINE LIVES ON the fourth floor, so that's where they go

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         JASMINE LIVES ON the fourth floor, so that's where they go. Ambar doesn't really want to acknowledge the fact that they're still holding hands when they reach her best friend's floor, so she ignores it. They walk down the hall in silence, and Louis is slightly swinging their intertwined hands back and forth with their every step.

          When they get to number 403, Ambar lets go of Louis' hand to ring the doorbell, and she has to pretend to not miss the warmth of his hand while they wait for someone to open the door. There's a loud noise coming from the other side of the door, as if someone had knocked into something, and Louis gives her an amused glance.

         "They're always so chaotic, huh?" He says, but the glint in his eyes tells her her friends' antics are growing on him. It's impossible, she thinks, to meet those three and not be instantly drawn to them.

          Ambar smiles. "Wouldn't be the same if they weren't."

          The door swings open, revealing Sienna's face. The girl is smiley, her rosy cheeks contrasting against her pale skin, and she's wearing what Ambar knows as her dress to impress outfit. She thinks of Millie, and she fights the urge to mock her best friend right there. She raises her eyebrow, though, and Sienna looks at her as if to say shut up.

          Louis, of course, is oblivious to their silent conversation—one, because he doesn't know Sienna enough to understand her beyond words and through clothes, of all things, and two, because, well... he's Louis. He just smiles and greets Sienna politely.

          "Mills got here a few minutes ago, so we were just waiting for you." She lets them in and closes the door behind her, starting the walk down the hall towards the LMW room, as they call it. The room was, once upon a time, a guest room for when Jas' family came to London, but under the girl's insistence to her parents (and Sienna's angelic face), it became some sort of cozy room for the group to hang out in. The perks of being an only child, Ambar thinks.

          Sienna is talking about the blanket fort they'd tried to build but failed miserably, therefore giving up, and as they get further down the hall and towards the room, Ambar can hear the voices of her friends—once again, Rhy and Jasmine are arguing over something. She feels bad for Millie, for a second, before Millie's voice joins the argument.

          Ambar realizes, then, that it's an argument between Millie and Jasmine and Rhy. She laughs out loud.

          "What even are they fighting about?"

          "Oh," Sienna replies. "They started arguing about Hogwart houses. I'm a Ravenclaw."

          "I don't know what that means." Ambar furrows her eyebrows, and Louis laughs at her from his spot behind her. "Don't laugh! I'll know soon!"

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