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          AMBAR FALLS ASLEEP halfway through the second movie

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          AMBAR FALLS ASLEEP halfway through the second movie. She's liking the movies so far, really, but her eyelids get heavier and heavier the longer she watches the screen. There's a blanket draped over one of the unoccupied bean bags, so she reaches over Louis to try and get it. She fails, so he has to get it for her through sniffled laughter. Ambar covers herself up to her chin before letting sleep take her.

          She doesn't know if she dreams—is there an alternative to dreaming? Or is it just black?—but when she wakes up again, she thinks she might as well be swallowed up in a dream.

          It's dark outside now, but the noises of the city still linger, and the room is illuminated by the purple lights that go through the ceiling and intertwine with the plants. Millie's face is not far from her's at all, and Ambar startles a little at the sight of her.

          "What..." She starts. "Jesus, you scared me."

          "Chamber of Secrets is over," Millie tells her. "I want you to be awake for Prisoner of Azkaban."

          Ambar hums, still half asleep, and brings her hands up to her face to rub the slumber out of her eyes. She feels heavy all over, and she realizes, with a frown, that neither Louis or Rhy are sitting on the couch as they were when she fell asleep. She doesn't even question it, because her mind is still struggling to process the things around her and she's fighting to not fall back asleep.

          Her eyes slowly close once again, and she feels a poke to the ribs. She groans, slapping whoever's hand that was away, but they instead take her hand in theirs. The other hand is cold, as if they'd just got it out of freezing cold water, and she tries to pull away with no avail. When they start pulling at her fingers so hard it hurts, she knows it's Rhy, because he's the only one that does annoying stuff like that.

          "Quit it," she mumbles.

          Rhy doesn't listen. After struggling for a bit longer, Ambar manages to pull her hand away from him and back into the safety her blanket brings for her. She feels Rhy pull her legs up, and she kicks at him before he drops them. He's sitting down now, Ambar's feet on his lap, and he's smiling at Ambar's frowny face.

          "She's so hard to wake up," he says to Millie.

          She laughs. "I can tell."

          Ambar grunts. She gets up, taking her legs away from Rhy's hold and rubbing her face with her hands. Her curly hair goes everywhere, even messier than it usually is. Rhy jokingly coos. Ambar looks around, finding the room empty except for the tree of them.

          "Where's Lou? And Sienna and Jasmine?"
          "Asking about Louis first, the girls would be offended." Rhy leans his head on Ambar's shoulder. "They went to buy more food, because Jasmine is a crybaby. Also, they kidnapped your boyfriend for his wallet."

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