um hi

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OKAY. please dont hate me. thank you so much for all the support this fic has gotten i ? cant wrap my mind around the fact ? but i seriously.... cant keep writing this like I STARTED IT with the idea of writing a cute light hearted fic with not much going on other than a love story but i grew so BORED and i dont wanna keep putting out chapters that i dont feel satisfied with and that arent good just because i feel like i HAVE to finish this. louis and ambar are lovely i love them but i just will literally cry if i have to write another chapter for this thing HDKWHDKWJDK sorry <3

so yeah, lets just all imagine louis and ambar went on that date and louis kissed her and now they're happy and together ❤️ um. why am i a horrible writer. idk i just feel so pressured with this fic and i dont like it at all so gn goodbye i love you thank you for ur support but [CLOSED].

i'll be moving accounts to @jasongrce and i'll be writing for the riordanverse and harry potter and all that stuff if anyone is interested in that... my writing for actual serious fics is way better than this mess LMFAO i just. feel like this style of fic isnt for me.

regardless, thank you so much (again) for all your support and all the comments and votes and everything. i'm sorry i don't have it in me to finish and i'm sorry to let you down ): but i'd rather leave things like this than go on writing something that makes me feel bad. i'm not satisfied and i don't want that to bleed through my writing and make for boring or annoying chapters until the end. sorry sorry million times sorry.


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