Chapter fourteen Consequences

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"As my thoughts came racing back towards me, the memory of me seeing The figure removing her hood, I gasped. I knew that face! The bright, but dark green eyes, the long chestnut brown hair, the soft glow of the skin, the musical yet cruel voice, her cunning plan on blackmailing Hugo, how she knew so much, how she could enter here, the calm yet raging personality....

Suddenly a shriek escaped my mouth. I heard Hugo exclaim as well and I found myself blacking out."

Leah Fedder
"What.... Where...."

Then the thoughts came flooding back to me. Hugo eavesdropping on me and Alina, the huge argument between me, Alina, Sohee, and Hugo, Hugo's flashback on how he was dragged into all of this. I growled softly and looked up.

I wasn't sure where I was. I only knew that I was tied into a chair. And Hugo was still unconscious, tied in one next to me.

"Water crests." I cursed.


I blinked three times as I saw The figure. "You're... You're..."

"Yes. You ridiculous child." She snarled.

"Crazy power-hungry witch." I growled. "How could you betray your own?"

"You mind your own business, moon girl." She sneered.

"Nature traitor." I snarled.

"Foolish girl." She shot back.

"So really Floressence? This is what you call "doing good deeds"? To me you are the fool."

"I care not of what you think. Soon you and your friend will be dead, and I can continue my plans."

"Why did we just appear here?" I asked.

"When Hugo revealed the secret, he broke his promise. Therefore I summoned him and you, to kill you both."

"You disgust me." I said, making a face.

"Don't worry. I'll make your death quick. But since Hugo betrayed you all, I can... Let's just say, REMOVE his tattoo...."

"You're mad." I growled.

"Don't you forget it! He'll die just like.... A person who broke their oath. And... Your brother's next."

"Why all the boys!?" I exclaimed.

"Boys are easier to control."

"They are not!" I snapped defensively.

"No matter!" Floressence silenced me.

She waved her hand and in one swift motion, a spell landed on Hugo, making him disappear.

"What did you just do!?" I yelled.

"I sent him... To Iànor." She said, smiling. "I don't think he is strong to fight the warriors there. A quick death for him, I guess."

"What? The bandits there will kill him!"

"I don't care!" Floressence's eyes flashed crazily.

"You..." I seethed.

"You are a weak, idiotic Taican, Leah."

"Then fight me then." I challenged. If I win, then you will never ever touch ANY of my
friends again. If you win, then...."

"I'll kill you both." She said.

"Er, deal." I said.

We circled each other.

I growled and unsheathed my moon daggers. I gritted my teeth, my palms getting clammy and hot.

Suddenly: "Aaah!"

Floressence reluctantly out down her hand.

"What th-" I started.

Evan crashed onto the ground, falling from the air.


"How can he be here?" I wondered. Evan got up and gawked at the room, staring around the room.

"What's going on here?" He asked, regaining his balance. Ok now I was really confused.

I sent him a mind message.

"Oh! Well uh, I'll help Leah then!" He said.

Geese. What an idiot. (Evan we all agreed that you were a complete idiot here shut up.)

He unsheathed his sun daggers.

Floressence threw green fire at us.

We dodged the attack. Me and Evan sent a sunblast and a moonblast at her. The two energy blasts swirled together. Floressence grabbed the blast and it evaporated.
She held up her hand, and I realized I was being lifted up into the air. I realized I was being strangled, and struggled. I realized that the power of nature that Floressence was using was under her control. All I had to do was free it.

But how?

Evan threw his dagger like a boomerang. It hit Floressence in the chest, but somehow it didn't effect her. It annoyed her though, so she let go of me. "You two will burn!" Her eyes glowed. I knew that we couldn't escape this. So I said

"As the water rushes in the sea,
From her control you shall be free!"

"No!" Floressence screamed.

Light green energy began to leave her body. Her body seemed to be withering, like a flower in the cold.

"Not before I do this!" Then she half screamed

"You broke your oath and now I see,
Your punishment is permanent, you will never never free!"

The spell zapped off into the Unknown, chasing for it's target. Suddenly Floressence's body disappeared in a flash of light. She was gone. Floressence was gone.

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