Chapter sixteen Into the tattoo

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Jennie Bryant
I cheered as the bell rang.

I wondered where Hugo and Evan were. Leah had arrived late, and I heard about Floressence's traitorous deeds. We all know she is a traitor, and now that I am thinking about her, I could feel my lips press together with displeasure. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and charged out of the classroom door, followed by the rest of the class.

I ran down the stairs and into the hall.

I then realized my backpack was open. A note tumbled out. I instantly recognized Evan's neat writing (well compared to some of the other boys's writing.)

"Come to the cabin NOW. It's an emergency. Galeicia is there and Hugo is there. I'll be waiting for you there. Just come."

I growled in frustration, feeling my face heat up in annoyance. "Water Crests!" I cursed so loudly that teachers and students began staring at me, shooting me odd looks. I growled and felt my temper snap. I had homework!

"Great Taicans Evan, if this is a prank I will SHRED you." I hissed, grabbing my backpack.

I snapped my fingers as icy wind began to circle around me, whisking around me fast.

I then disappeared in a blast of frosty whirlwind.

I appeared in the cabin. "Evan! Get the lightning over here or I'll freeze you to death! I have homework-"

He appeared in front of me in a flash of gold light and sparkles. I jerked away in surprise, waving my hand in the air to brush away the sparkles.

"Can you not do this? Not everyone likes to have sparkles thrown at their face every time you appear you know!" I snapped.

"Sorry." Evan apologized.

"Oh I'm not sure sorry is-"

"Here. Grab my hand. We're going to Galeicia's." He said.

"Why in the name of Taicans would I come with you? Can't you see I'm busy!?" I exclaimed angrily. I was not in a good mood right now, and Evan obviously couldn't understand that I was busy and wanted to be left alone!

"We have to go Galeicia's to help Hugo."

Evan's voice sliced through my thoughts.

"What about Hugo?" I asked, now mildly interested. If this was a serious matter, then of course I would go. But Evan didn't seem that serious right now. In fact, he sounded fake. What if this was a prank?

"No. He would never use matters of life and death in his pranks." I thought.

I made up my mind.

"Ok I'll go. But tell me why I have to go." I said stubbornly.

"You need to come and help Leah with something." Evan responded, sounding rushed and actually brisk.

"And Galeicia is..?"

"Waiting for us there. We have to help him, or he-who-must not be named will kill him!"

"Ok one this isn't Harry Potter and two darkness isn't even an actual person! And three, maybe darkness is a girl! Talk about sexist-"

"CAN WE JUST GO!?" Evan exclaimed.

"OK!!!!" I yelled in his face.

"Galeicia and Hugo are there." Evan said.

"What about Leah?" I asked uncertainly, my bones growing cold with unease.

"She's there. Now ready?" Evan held up his other hand to cast a spell.

"Yes my king. We shall go before you yell at me any more-"


"Well it's not my fault that-"

"We're going!" Evan said sarcastically and cheerily as he twirled his hand and slammed it down in the air and we vanished in a swirl of golden sparkles and golden rays of the sun.

We appeared in Galeicia's cabin. I shivered uncomfortably, biting my lip and shuffling my feet awkwardly. Then my ears caught some kind of noise. I felt my lips shift into a slight frown as I heard some screaming.

Instantly I began firing questions from my mouth.

"What's going on? How is Hugo? Did you get rid of the curse? Why wasn't he here today?" I poured out all of my questions like an overflowing jug of water.

Galeicia answered the second question.

"There's only one thing that can cure the curse. Leah is going to go inside of the tattoo suck out the dark energy inside the curse so he can live. Even though it will hurt everytime he sees a monster or if Floressence is near or something else. Like random times." She explained, her eyes flashing.

"And I am here why?"

"I want you to give her a boost with ice. To power her up a bit." Evan piped up, answering my question before Galeicia could even open her mouth.

"Oh yeah sure. Whatever you say." I said, my eyes darkening as I realized that Hugo was close to death. Frick... I wasn't even sure if I was strong enough.

"If you are not." A little voice sneered in my head. "Then you don't care enough about your friends."

I care very much about my friends!" I snarled angrily at the voice in my head and instantly felt power course through me from my sudden rush of anger.

"I'm ready."

I turned around to see Leah standing in front of the door. Her voice was icy and taut with worry as it sliced coldly through my sudden thoughts as they shattered and disappeared, like glass shattering against a hard, cold, floor.

"Let's go." I said, my voice quivering. "Before... Before it's too late." I trembled.

Leah nodded, her eyes full of fear and determination and she beckoned for us to follow her into the room she came out of.

I saw Hugo in the center. I grimaced as the tattoo burned his skin. Wow. This was really bad.

"Leah. Evan. Jennie." Galeicia gave a curt nod of greeting. "Thank you for coming, we have a great problem here."

I dipped my head respectfully. "Leah, hold on to Hugo's wrist."

Leah grabbed Hugo's left wrist, the one that was perfectly fine and untouched.

"His other wrist." Galeicia said, and I could tell she was trying not to look annoyed. But at the same time I saw she was trying to not to laugh.

Leah sheepishly took Hugo's other wrist. It was hard to hold because his body was full spasms.

"Now Jennie, I would like you to give Leah some energy. Give her the power of ice- and the light she needs." Galeicia instructed.

I nodded and began to wave my hand, a swirl of ice-blue sparks swirling around my fingers. Leah nodded and closed her eyes. I carefully touched her with the energy as the energy sucked into her body. I doubled over, dealing with the loss of energy that I had just given. Galeicia began to get up, concern flashing through her eyes, but I nodded, gritting my teeth. "I'm ok."

We all just stood there in silence, looking at each other. Nothing had happened.

Leah shut her eyes tight and was suddenly sucked into the tattoo. Her body became a blur as it whisked into the tattoo. I gasped. Galeicia's eyes widened. Evan looked at the blur, worried.

I swallowed nervously. What if Evan had just lost his sister forever?

Than a nervous breath escapes my mouth. What if we just lost her to the darkness forever?

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