chapter twenty six||lost trust

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TW: yelling, manipulation.

The next few days consisted of Apathy putting Remus into panic attack after panic attack and then Apathy 'helping him' better than any other side could, to the point where Remus was starting to believe that Apathy was right. He trusted Apathy so much that he was choosing Apathy over the others, he trusted Apathy more despite all the protests coming from the other three. Apathy knew that the only one who could convince Remus that Apathy shouldn't be trusted was Janus but Remus can't talk to the dead now can he?

When Remus finally trusted Apathy more his 'visions' started changing again. He started 'seeing' Janus and Apathy telling him to just end it. He was becoming more and more suicidal every hour. But thankfully Apathy was always there to 'help' him so his mental health isn't going down at too rapid of speeds. Now Apathy is ready for the last part of his plan.

The five of them were once again in a heated fight, about? Well the reason was lost somewhere in the middle but now it was once again about trusting Apathy, with Remus ,once again, caught in the middle of it all. But the thing is, the light sides were winning, and that was pissing Apathy off, a lot. But he was really trying not to break character while ,of course, giving Remus a panic attack. Everyone was so caught up in the argument that no one even noticed Remus.

What Remus was seeing was very different from what was actually happening. In Remus's eyes everyone was arguing over him over whether he should live or not. Since Apathy was controlling what he saw the others said that Remus should die and Apathy said he should live. To Remus's perspective the others won. Apathy of course still stood by Remus's side but he ran out of arguments, and ignoring 'Apathy's protests' sank out to the dark side and towards the pit.

But it wasn't that easy was it.

About a week ago Remus explained to the light sides what happened after he ran off. When the others heard about Dw they asked her a favor. It was quite obvious that if Remus were to die his first choice would be by the pit. So the light sides kindly asked Dw to guard the pit, and she agreed. So when Remus got there she was already prepared and put him to sleep with a simple spell. After doing so she picked him up and flew him back. The spell didn't last long so Remus woke up right as Dw got to the house, and at the perfect time too.

Remus was still in Dw's arms when she opened the door. The others didn't notice due to there heated fight, and a few seconds after she opened the door Apathy screamed,


Remus saw that perfectly clear too. Tears well in his eyes as that happened and he started to sob, pretty loudly too. Loud enough for the others to notice.(and this is when Apathy knew, he f*cked up.) Apathy immediately understood what happened and quickly sunk out leaving the others in shock and relief. Apathy was finally out of the picture.

Or was he?


sorry this is short i just needed a plot building chapter to get to the next thing

ALONE.. Remus sanders angst||completedWhere stories live. Discover now