day 5: first times

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Our Story begins on a beautiful sunny day in Pallet Town, in a little diner just down the road.

"You're kidding me!"

A young trainer in his late teens to early twenties with brown spiky hair and a black jacket sits at a booth across from a trainer, around the same age, with black hair wearing a red ball cap and a blue hoodie.

"I swear to you, I'm not!"

"So, you mean to tell me that you two have been dating for nearly a year and you've never done anything special together?"

"It's just that Misty and I have never really felt the need to do anything extravagant. We're both comfortable where we are right now."

"that doesn't make any sense, though. I mean, This is someone that, Arceus willing, you'll be sharing your entire life with. If neither of you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, then what's the point?"

"I get where you're coming from, Gary. But I'm just not the type of guy who lives Life by the seat of his pants."

"yeah, but you've got to do something. You remember Hillary, right? our old neighbor from when we were kids?"


"well, we've been seeing each other for a little while now. And for our first date, we both went out to the Rainbow Palace."

"You mean that fancy restaurant in Celadon?"

"Yep! It was our first time going there, and now we go there together every other week. My point is that you and Mist just need to try something different once in awhile"

"'Mist'? You know, Gary, I'm not sure I like how comfortable you've been getting around her, lately."

Gary smirks.

"What's the matter? Afraid I'm going to steal your girl?"


"Relax! I'm just playing with ya! Besides, me and Hill are steady now, So it's all good. You know I'd never do that to you."


"Look, all I'm trying to say is that you two just need to be a little more adventurous. Who knows? It might lead to... other things you might not have done yet..."

Ash's face turns red as a tamato Berry.

"Th- That is none of your business!"

Gary laughs. Suddenly, Gary here's his phone ring and picks it up.

"'sup! Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll be right there."

Gary hangs up and gets up from the table.

"That was Hill. She needs something from me. I gotta go. See ya, ashy!

"See ya..."

At Cerulean gym:


Inside the gym, a girl in her early to mid twenties, with long blonde hair and a pink jacket is sitting by a large pool, next to a girl in her late teens to early twenties, with red shoulder length hair, wearing a white jacket over a blue one-piece swimsuit.


"So, like, have you talked to him about it?"


"Why not?"

" I just don't want him to worry about it."

"so, you're not moving in together, then.

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