Meet Sadness. The emotion who no one ever knows what is wrong with. He's always down in some sort of way, huddled away in his room, never seeing the light of day. He cries, tear stains dried down his rosy cheeks as he sniffles from the cold his crying has given him.
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The others believe he is just overdramatic, but in reality, he could really use a hug at that moment. Sadness is one that you'll hear little to nothing from, he's not very social and mostly tries to avoid others to save himself from hurting.
His depression and ever-growing anxiety always seem to get the best of him, making him surrender. Sadness is reliable though, he's the only emotion you can go to and spill out your heart. Sure there's Joy, but he doesn't truly understand you as Sadness does. And it's all because he knows exactly what you're going through.
Need someone to cry with or just even hug close to, go to Sadness. He might bring your mood down but he'll make you feel warmth, feel needed even. He knows how to cure a broken soul.
Sadness may even surprise you with his touching words of wisdom in your time of need. So don't push him away just because of the small fact that he's literally sad all the time. He can't help it.