1 - Shadows

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Yoongi pov

I had always been a lonely person. Even at the Academy no-one wanted to talk to me, be seen with me. There was only one person who ever approached me, but I haven't seen her in a long time. If I'm honest, I gave up. I gave up on the hope of ever having someone be there for me. It was always just me and the shadows. Until I met them.

I had been doing the odd assignment here and there, swinging from one to the next. Until I was brought in for questioning. A black bag was thrown over my head and my wrists were tied behind my back with a piece of rope. I was roughly pushed up forty flights of stairs before walking down a long, twisting corridor. Left, right. Straight ahead. Right. Another long corridor. Left. It seemed like they were trying to confuse me. Like they didn't want me knowing where I was going. That was stupid though. After being in the Academy for half my life and being out in the field for the other half, there was no way that someone could confuse me enough so that I didn't know where I was going.

It felt like the first time I was brought to the head of the Academy, a lean but muscular man on each side of me. I could feel that they were both very strong, and just like back them it would appear that my small, lithe body wouldn't be able to overpower them. However, unlike then, I could now. In truth, I could have escaped many times before this, but I wanted to know what they were going to show me. If anything, it just sparked my curious flare.

When we finally came to a stop, I knew we had arrived. There was the squeak of a heavy door in need of some oil and then the shuffle of two peoples boots on the carpet along with my light steps. Then I was being pushed forward and plopped unceremoniously onto a leather seat that curved around my shoulders. I heard the two men back off and stand next to the door, probably to make sure I didn't escape.

There was a flash of bright light before I blinked harshly to make me eyes focus. The room was a typical, high-end office of a CEO. In front of me was a massive, mahogany desk with paper neatly piled to one side with a fountain pen on top, a computer on the other side and a desk light behind the computer. Behind the desk was a normal looking black desk chair and then windows that stretched the whole width of the room that overlooked the beautiful skyline of Seoul. To either side of me there were grey filing cabinets and then behind me there was the door and the bodyguards. I didn't even have to look behind me to check, I could see them in the reflection of the window.

This meant that there were three exits. The door, the windows, and my personal favourite, the vents on the ceiling to the left of me, although that last one would take the longest to get to.

"Min Yoongi," a man said. Oh yeah, there was also a man in the corner of the room looking out onto the nightlife of the city. He had a crystal glass of what looked like whiskey in one hand and his other rested calmly at his side. He didn't seem to have any weapons on him as I skimmed my eyes over his body to look for any odd bumps. It looked like he was trying to be all intimidating and dominating, but honestly he had a bit of a baby face.

He had wavy hair that was dark brown at his roots and faded to a sandy-blonde towards the end of his hair. And then his eyes were a deep chocolate brown. He was dressed in a tight fitting black suit with a white shirt and navy blue tie.

"Hello, now you're here because we have a job for you," the man said as he turned around to face me, "I'm Thomas Brodie-Sangster, but you can call me Baby, which is my code name. And the two men who brought you in are called Dylan O'Brien, and you can call him Eyebrows, and Lee Ki Hong, but you can call him Valley."

As he said Dylan, or Eyebrows, he pointed at the man on the left behind him, who had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with slightly tanned skin. Then he pointed to the man on his right called Ki Hong, or Valley, who also had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Although he was Korean like myself unlike his friend who was obviously Caucasian. They both had stone cold looks on their faces as they stared at me.

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