Chapter 17

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~next day~
I head downstairs and I surprisingly have no texts from Nash. Oh well he must be busy making a video. I went downstairs to the kitchen and sat at the bar. I scroll through my Twitter timeline and respond to people to the #Nautumn. Yes, my fandom and his fandom are still raging about it. There is a lot of really nice, supportive and some are just joking around with us.

I finish looking through my social media. Then I finally get a text from Nashie Poo.
Nash💩💕: hey beautiful, can't wait to see you tonight 😊😘
Me: what do u mean?
Then I don't get a text from him. What does he mean 'tonight'? Theirs nobody awake so it's really relaxing. I get up and make bacon and eggs. After i take the orange juice out and pour it into my cup that a fan sent me. I haven't been to a meet and greet but, I really want to because I love every single fan. I put my food on a plate and sit back down at the breakfast bar. I hear someone falling down the stairs. Literally. Wasn't surprised the laziest person ever. Olivia. So all i see is a black hair creature flopping down the stairs. Once she reached the bottom she moaned "oww".
"May I ask what you're doing?" I ask
She gets up and walks over to me and puts her phone in my face. Its text messages. I read them.
Cody ✨: I think we need to break up
Olivia: why baby, I thought i liked you and you liked me?
Cody ✨: well babe... you thought WRONG. I found someone better bitch. Bye
Olivia: you are such a d!ckhead. I knew their was something about you that wasn't right.
Olivia started balling. Oh yeah, Olivia and Cody were dating in 5th then broke up then got back together then- well you know the pattern. And the reason they keep breaking up is because of this 'Jaclyn Mitchell' shes really pretty though but, the biggest whore ever. She has black, about her ribcage wavy, hair. Then softy Olivia is sweet enough to get back with that douche bag. I've been cheated on and I was done with him no matter what he tried to say. Anyways i gave her a speech about how she can't waste her entire life chasing Cody around.
"You really need to show Cody that you can live without him" i say
"Yeah! You know what I'm done with that ass" she says confident
"It will get better" i say
Then she just trots back to her room with a bowl of cereal in her hand. I finished my breakfast. Then by then everyone was up. I washed my dish and put it in the other side of the sink. I sat down on the couch diagonal from my mom.
"Hey mom, when you leavin' for Jamacia" i ask
"Tonight. Why?" She says looking up from her newspaper
"WHAT?!" I say
"Yeah. You didn't know" my dad says walking in from the kitchen to the living room in his black plaid pajamas.
"No. Well i hope you have fun without me" i roll my eyes
"Oh! And you're not going to be here for my birthday" i add
"Yes we know and we feel bad but, were going to be here for half of your birthday?" He says hesitantly
"Oh well. Its fine. Ill just hang out with Lia." I yawn
I start to walk away then my mom informs me that i have to...
• clean my bedroom
• clean McCallie's bedroom
• clean the kitchen and basement
• my bathroom

Then Olivia does the spare bedroom, living room, her room, and her, Colby and McCallie's bathroom. McCallie literally does NOTHING except 'organize her stuff animals'. She says its lots of practice. Whatever. I do my chores 2 hours later and it's 2:45 right now and my mom and dad's plane leaves at 3:20 so, they have to leave at 2:50. Im really going to miss them. It's going to be hard but, I've always loved kids. Finally the Grier's come and our parents go. So we have this lecture and goodbyes. Then we all see them drive off. Nash and I walk into the house with our hands intertwined and bags in the other. I show them their rooms. They start unpacking. Once we were done it was 5:00 so we decided to order pizza. I notice that Olivia and Hayes were talking and laughing with each other. Nash and I talk like crazy about the randomest stuff. Then you have Colby, McCallie, and Sky talking about horses. We eat all the pizza. I have to admit we're all like teenage boys. Well 2 of them are. We make our own ice cream sundae's. I'm going to be a pretty awesome mom. After that i get Sky, Colby, and McCallie in their pajamas. While im practically acting like a mom Nash walks in and McCallie and Sky cover their boobs and run around screaming because Nash cant see them naked. I get them to calm down then finish getting them ready for bed. I read them a story 'My Little Pony' book. I don't know. Then i get kissed by nash.
"Eeww" the 3 of them oooed
"What" i ask
Then i kiss Nash
"Ewww" they go again
We all laugh. Nash pits his arm around me and I finished the story. They all go to sleep. And i guess Hayes and Olivia are sleeping together... On the couch... I get a call from my mom
Mom: hey sweetie. How is everything and everyone?
Me: great. So how's Jamacia
Mom: awesome so far we just got off the plane and checking into the hotel
Me: cool. Well I got to go get sleep ill call you tomorrow
Mom: okay goodnight sweetheart. Bye. Mwah. Love you
Me: love you too. Bye
Then we hung up. Everyone was sleeping except Nash and I. We went in my room. We both get changed and climbed in my bed. I sat up and he sat up too.
"I love you so much Autumn"
I giggle and blush "but i love you more tapping his nose" i say
He grabs the back of my neck and I grab his. We start making out. Like full blown tongue to tongue type thing.
"Wait!" I say
I get up and check if everyone was dead asleep then we go back to where we were. He pushes me softly to my back then we start getting undressed. Im fully naked and he's fully naked so... He pulls away and gets a condom from his bag.
"I was prepared" he laughs while panting
I laugh with him. He slowly puts it in me then takes it out. He repeats the pattern. My back arches and i let out a little moan. Were both panting hard and sweating. He puts it under my bed the flops down next to me on my bed. Then wraps his safe arms around me. No i wasn't a virgin before that. I find myself in a deep cozy sleep

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