Chapter 24

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~2 weeks later~
Everything has change sense my sisters moved. I miss so much. I feel like i have offically gone into depression. I really wish i could hear all their voice's again. Your probably thinking "oh! why dont you just call them!" i know i obvisously can't call my parents but, i definitley can't call my sisters. My aunt and uncle changed their numbers twice and asked to take it off the phone book or any website. I called one time and they told me "fuck off, these kids are perfect. They totally forgot about you so give up!". So im guessing they dont like me very much. They're kind of right i need to give up at some point but, never forgotten.

Nash, Bryant, Cam, and I were kicked out of our aparment because we were "too loud". Nash finished his movie "Outfeild". i really can't wait to watch it! Today were all going to beach with Cam and Bryant and the two Jack's. Well hanging out and a little photoshoot for fun. After the beach im going with Lia to have a girls day. We got to the beach and not even 10 minuets we were crowded by fans. I took pictures with my fans while Nash and Cam did theirs. I heard some people yelling at me for being Nash's girlfriend. One girl yelled "you're a whore. You pourposly dating him because you want us fans to get jealous!". Like i pourpsoly met Nash when I was 5, and i pourosly dated him to make his fans jealous. Anyways, we took pictures and carried on with our day. Bryant took some pictures of Nash and I. they were super cute! My favorite one was of Nash and i turned our backs to the camera and jumped in the sand. Then Nash and I got really close to them camera and made weird faces. I finally have a tan! i acutally look good, haha just kidding. When do I ever look good?

I met up with Lia later on around 1:00pm. We went to the hair salon to get haircuts because my hair is nasty and thick. As you know Lia and I have long hair. Lia's hair was down to them bottom of her back now its right above her rib cage. Its so pretty though, she looks 10x older. Mine was at the bottom of my back too but, i didn't cut it short though its still 2 inches below my ribe cage but, i finally had the guts to get ombre hair and its kinda thin now. It turned out really well. We payed the cashier lady then headed off to pick Olivia up to bring her to get her nails done with us. We picked her up at the house where Cam, Hayes, Nash, Bryant, the 2 Jacks, and Jake Foushee.

We got to the nail salon and were immeditaly sat down. I got the ANC nails and so did Lia and Olivia. i just got a peach kind of color. After we done there i picked up groceries and dinner along with some job applications to Forever 21, Starbucks, and Hollister. Lia went home and Olivia and i went home too. We walked into screaming boys and videos being taken. Of course another vine video... i went into the kitchen without them seeing the pizza and chicken wings. I grabed Olivia and I a plate and piled it with our stuff then ran it upstaires. We came back down laugh so hard. I dont know why it was so funny though. I called the boys in to eat. It took them a few minuets to listen but, then they came in like bulls. No joke i ended up on my butt.

Later on we decided to go take a walk at 11:00pm. So i got dressed in white high-waisted skinny jeans, i added it with a polk-a-dot navy blue and white crop top t-shirt. i put on brown sandals to go with it. i put my hair in a messy bun and did my usually makeup. Lia wanted to come a long so she did and we also met up with Jc and Kian. Their practically my best friends. It was a huge group. We stopped for frozen yogurt. Then countinued on and started screaming out 1D songs. And apparantly we were making to much noise...

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