Chapter 16

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I texted Nash for awhile. Then the beast woke up at 1:00 pm. Her crazy blonde long hair was sticking out everywhere. I smiled at her then looked down at my phone.
"What?" She asked sitting up
" ohh nothing"
"Oh really?" She gives me the stink eye and walked over to her bathroom
"Ahhhh" she screeched
"What?" I laugh
Lia comes out of the bathroom and falls to the floor dieing of laughter. You know, which made me laugh with her. And when I laugh i snort so, i snorted and shit. Then that made us laugh even louder and harder till our stomachs hurt. Finally we calmed down and breathed heavily. We got back to our spots and sat there.
"Okay so i know that wasn't the full reason you smiled" she smiled turning towards me
"Yeah it was" i said lieing
"Then what was it?" She asked "was Nash trying to get in your pants?" She giggled
"NO!" I sat up quick
"Oh stawp it. I was joking" she slapped me playfully
We talked about girl shit. Then decided that we were hungry. We headed out to the kitchen and poured cereal into two bowls and ate cold pizza. We gave each other our gifts. I really liked mine. It was a gift certificate to Chipotle and Starbucks. The typical white girl shit.And a laptop sticker. I went back home and took a quick shower. I git in big, gray sweatpants and a Carolina shirt. I tied my hair up in a messy bun. Which those things take forever to get perfect. And slid on house slippers. Today and forever shall be my lazy day. Wrong! I barely have any lazy day. Life sucks sometimes.
"Autumn!" My mom yells
"Whhhatt" i yell back
"Come here!"
I go down stairs and see everyone sitting on the couch they, all look ag me weird. So i slow down and walk really slowly and stare at them back.
"What?" I ask
"Nothing just sit"
I sit next to Olivia and out McCallie on my lap.
"So, Elizabeth, Nash's stepdad, you're dad and I are going to Jamacia for 2 weeks" my mom explained
"And Autumn your in charge. Also just to be safe all of the Grier's boys and Sky are coming to stay here." My dad says
"Also no funny business between the older ones" my dad added
Are. We. Serious.
I'm. In. Charge. Of. All. Of. The. Rats.
But on the bright side i get to spend 2 WHOLE WEEKS WITH NASH!

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