Chp 2

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*A stormy day in the student council room

Shirogane:It looks like its gonna rain soon.

Y/N:no doubt about that, forecast said it would be pretty strong

Shinomiya:Fujiwara-san, will you be able to get home at this rate?

Fujiwara:Yes, since i ordered a taxi to pick me up later.

Shinomiya's thoughts:this will be a good plan to make the prez flustered! I will just have to share an umbrella with him when we are about to walk home!

Shinomiya:Nee- Kaichou, do you have an umbrella with you?

Shirogane-i don't have one with me this time, i lef it at home.

Y/N:oh, you can use mine Kaichou since i still have to take care of the light music club's instruments.

Shinomiya to Y/N:thanks for the save Y/N!
Y/N to Shinomiya:Don't mention it.

Fujiwara-wait, since when did Y/N play an instrument?

Shinomiya&Shirogane:you didn't know?

Y/N:come to think of it, i haven't told anyone i can play the guitar really well.

Fujiwara:can you show us? Pleaseeee

Y/N:fine but just one song

Shinomiya:*in awe

Y/N:why are all of you staring at me like that? Its nothing to be proud of.

Fujiwara:but but, you play so well!

Shirogane:you really are good Y/N.

Shinomiya:As expected of Y/N, you really are good with a guitar.

Y/N:awww thanks guys!

Shinomiya:well its getting late, time for me to go home.

Shirogane:wait don't you have an umbrella?

Shinomiya:Y/N lended his umbrella to me.

Shirogane:o-oh guess we'll be sharing an umbrella then


Y/N:im finally finished with that crap, time to go home i guess.

???:stop right there.

Y/N:who are you?

Hayasaka:im Kaguya-sama's trusted maid, Hayaska.

Y/N's thoughts:wait she looks cute, omfg she's beautiful, is this what they call love?

Hayasaka:snap out of it Y/N.

Y/N:uh yeah!

Hayasaka:anyways, since you help me make my job of making Shirogane-kun confess to Kaguya-sama, i guess we'd be allies.

Y/N's thoughts:they are literally taking confession's seriously!

Hayasaka:guess im off then.

Y/N:yeah, take care.

Y/N's thoughts: dammit, am i inlove?

The Musician And The Maid (A Hayasaka X Male Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now