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"Kim Tae Hyung, die"


"What the?" Taehyug stared blankly at me with his mouth opened wide. I immediately smiled awkwardly at him after his reaction of his lost.

"Sorry Taehyung ah"

"Ah hyung!" he whined to me, "You really owe me something big after this" he said to me jokingly. In a sudden, i heard footsteps coming near us. That must be the staff.


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After the announcement of my lost, i heard footsteps coming near. "Wait for me outside hyung, i'll sweep your money for food" i pointed a finger at him jokingly, and fake-angry at him.

The staffs are here. All of them are wearing black cape. I can't see their face clearly. It really looks like a cult.

They grabbed both of my hands and dragged me out of the room.

Hoseok hyung waved his hand at me, while Jimin, he looks a little worried. Not worried, but more.........terrified.

"Hyung, i don't feel right. My feeling is very bad right now" i heard Jimin's voice faintly talking to Hoseok hyung, but i just ignored it.


I was being dragged to a secret room. There's a secret door somewhere around this building. Wow, the waiting room is secret? This is some cool shit! Probably i can watch them through CCTV. Definitely going back later!

But not as i expected, instead, i entered a dark room. A dark room with nothing in it but a light in the middle.

 A dark room with nothing in it but a light in the middle

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"Jungkook ah?". I looked around but i found no one. Am i alone?

"Jungkook ah?" i tried to call him again but no one answer. "Jungkook, don't pull a prank on me, you know i hate it" i walked closer to the light.

Is this even the waiting room? Where the hell is Jungkook?

Right now i'm standing right where the light at. I felt chills all around my body. The atmosphere here is very cold and... i don't know. Evil? Especially with nothing and no one, and the darkness, this room doesn't seem normal.

All of a sudden, i heard a sound of metal machine screeching. In a short time, he room automatically became smaller, so now it's only as big as the light's reflection.

"What the hell?" i scanned around in shocked state. What just happened?

"Hey, can you get me out from here?" i banged the wall lightly, but i heard nothing rather than the banging sound echoed.

"Helloo??" i spoke louder

The metal machine's noise is being heard again. I flinched a bit. It's so loud until i had to cover my ears. A big prison cell is above me. Slowly, it's going down and trapping me. I couldn't go anywhere since the room is smaller now. Panic being felt instantly.

"HELP! PLEASE HELP! HOSEOK HYUNG! JIMIN!" i kept screaming and hitting the wall. Tears are coming from my eyes. I felt so scared. I want to hug my mom right now.


The cell is going down,

lower and



The cell is halfway through, and now, i couldn't go anywhere since it already passed my shoulders.

The cell is halfway through, and now, i couldn't go anywhere since it already passed my shoulders

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Minutes of crying and screaming didn't help. Now, the cell is just inches above the floor. I sat down in the middle and cried my heart out.

"What is this? Why am i being trapped?" i sobbed hard, but no one hears me.

"Jungkook ah, where are you?"

Another metal machine's voice is being heard. I looked up directly and saw a big clear box with my nightmare inside,



No no no, you can't do this to me. "HELP! PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!" i screamed once again, still hoping to escape, but they didn't hear.

"FUCK TO WHOEVER MADE THIS STUPID GAME." the clear box is gradually moving down.



The box is now right above his head. The bottom part of the box opened by itself, the big and scary dogs are falling and scattering all around the floor.

The dogs are looking hyper and wild.

"I'm sorry my brothers, sister, and



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