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Sam is her name; bullshit most definitely is not her game.

However, when taking AP Environmental Science with Luke Hemmings, bullshit is a common factor Sam has to endure in order to get an A. It is the only class she has with the cocky boy who is way more intelligent than he gives off, and she hates every moment of it. His personality is so arrogant, she wants to rip that perfect blonde quiff right out of his head.

It's not like Luke doesn't do anything to piss her off. Luke knows Sam hates him, and he does everything in his power to make sure her life is a living hell. Luke isn't a bully. He just loves to get a rise out of Sam.

Monday morning, Sam walks into AP Environmental Science with her books in her arms. She sits next to her best friend in the entire world, Julia, and the two talk about their weekends. For the first time in a long time, the pair didn't plan anything together over the weekend. Sam had to visit colleges with her family while Julia stayed home and went to a party. She's been obsessing over this Calum guy for about a year and a half now. Just this weekend, they finally got together.

"Calum is honestly so sweet!" Julia exclaims to her friend.

Sam laughs and folds her arms across her chest. "I'm so happy for you, sweetie, but is he serious about this? I don't mean to put you down, but we all know Calum's a flirt."

Not only is Calum a flirt, but he plays girls like nobody's business. He also happens to be one of Luke's best friends, and Sam cannot stand that whole group. However, if Calum is serious about getting involved with Julia, and if he makes Julia happy, Sam will suck it up for the sake of her friend.

"He's serious!" Julia responds rolling her eyes at Sam's protectiveness. "Honestly, Sam. Everything's finally working out! Lay loose."

Sam giggles and nods. "Alright. I'll kick his ass if he hurts you, just as a fair warning. That's never going to change!" The two friends share a final laugh as the final bell rings for the start of class.

Luke struts in right as the bell chimes. He smirks at his almost apparent lateness and takes a seat right behind Sam. He puts his long, lanky legs up on the under tray of her desk kicking it slightly. Sam takes in a deep breath. Thank God today isn't a lecture period. They have a period of lab scheduled, which involves them getting up from their desks. Sam prays Mr. Bellace doesn't pair her with Luke for this lab.

Mr. Bellace walks out of his office and to the front of the classroom. He looks at the papers in his hands and smiles. "Alright, children. Today, we have a lab period. Last lab, I allowed you to pick your partners, which means this time, I'm picking the partners. After I read out the partners, I will explain the protocol, and you will be good to go."

Mr. Bellace begins to pace the room reading off names. "... Jeff with Kyle. Amanda with John. Jackson with Rachel. Julia with Sandra. ... And last but not least, Luke with Sam." He looks up from his list and smiles. Sam holds in a groan. Luke kicks Sam's seat. She turns around quickly with her brow furrowed.

"Stop that!" She demands as Mr. Bellace reads off the protocol.

Luke laughs shaking his head. "Get used to it, sweetheart. Now, turn around. I'm counting on you to remember this protocol."

Sam scoffs at his response but obeys because she wants an A on this lab. She listens to Mr. Bellace, but in the back of her mind, she's only thinking about how she's going to make Luke listen to her during this week. Sam is always the student who gets her work done early and at least three days before the deadline. Luke always hands his work in either a minute before class or late. Julia spoke horror stories of him when he was her partner, and Luke somewhat enjoys Julia's presence. Sam can't even imagine how horribly Luke is going to treat her.

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