𝟷. 𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚎𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛.

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A handful of young social media influencers had been chosen to go on a secret mission to find an inhabitable planet for the impending apocalypse on Earth — a mission so secret that only one of them was entirely aware of the reason they were all sent off into space.

To populate the new planet, they were each selected for various physical characteristics as well as dominant personality traits.

"Leader," Felix announced, looking around at the group, reading through the list he was given of their unique traits. They all began going in a circle, introducing themselves as Felix matched name to description.

"Joel," a round-faced, blue-eyed man waved an awkward hello to everyone.

"Musical talent," Felix followed up.

"Poki," a pale-faced brunette gleamed.

"Manipulative," Felix narrowed his eyes at her, and she just looked around and shrugged.

"Rae," a slender girl with gorgeous features gave a friendly smile to everyone.

"Innocence," Felix's features relaxed.

"Nova," another dark-haired beauty introduced herself.

"Emotional," Felix continued, Nova's face dropping at her description.

"Sean," a cute Irish man waved excitedly at everyone.

"Personable," Felix said as if it were obvious.

The last man, a handsome guy with a pale complexion, dark hair, and chipped, black nails, remained quiet. Nova was intrigued, for he was mysterious.

"And, that makes you Corpse," Felix played leader, introducing the silent man before looking down at the description on the list, "Rationality."

"That would be me," the bass in his grumble sent shivers down Nova's spine as everyone stated in awe at the once quiet man whose voice could silence a room.

Nova couldn't take her eyes off of him, and he took notice, really only paying attention to her out of everyone. She seemed different. She had her own style and didn't look as if she was eager to make friends by pleasing anyone else. She was just herself, and Corpse found himself anxious to know more about her as she was curious of him herself.

As the days went by — which they spent making sure everything in the ship was running smoothly — Corpse noticed that Nova only kept quiet and to herself. Though they all slept in bunk beds in Med Bay, the only interaction she had with others was just greeting them when they'd walk past. This piqued his interest in Nova, for he was annoyed at how the others spoke amongst themselves as if always trying to one-up one another to steal the spotlight.

Whenever they all sat for their meals in the cafeteria, Nova sat by herself, less than thrilled about their space mission and knowing full well that none of them would ever return home. Corpse, too, always sat at another table by his lonesome while the rest kind of grouped up to cackle like hyenas about each other's hilarious stories of funny coincidences that probably didn't actually happen to them.

Corpse would glance over at Nova every now and then during meals, wondering why she was deemed the emotional one; it wasn't like she was up crying every night.

Nova, on the other hand, began to understand why she was 'emotional.' She realized it was because she was very in tune with her feelings and others'.

She realized Sean must have been shy as a child, which is why he combatted that so much by being friendly with everyone so that he'd never feel alone again. Likewise, Rae must have been labeled 'innocent' because she, too, wanted everyone to like her, so she never picked sides when they were all teasing one another. In contrast, Poki wanted everyone to like her, but so that she could peg others for their faults and have the majority of the group backing her up.

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