Netherworld News

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Because two weirdos named Sparks and Lumi more time with the news of the Netherworld


Iori: Okay can someone explain what began these two channels feud against each others

Sogo: Oh they've always been like this, ever since both channels were created. The news channels seem to be very competitive and want to take out the competition any way they can

Riku: They have problems

Gaku: Let's see what they're fighting about this time

. . .

Channel 57: This just in, the news host of Channel 39 just copied my fucking hairstyle, talk about uncreativity!

Channel 39: Excuse me I've had this hairstyle longer than you and I pull it off better

Channel 57: Trust me that corn cob who pulled the hairstyle of that human world president is pulling it off better than you

Channel 39: Oho, look who's referencing human shit now too!

Channel 57: Who the fucks says 'oho' anymore, like get with the current century here you uncultured swine

Channel 39: The fuck did you just say?!

Channel 57: A Prinny could do your job better 

Channel 39: This coming from the people who doubted the Prinnies were going to lose their war. Well guess what they're still at fucking war dumbasses!

Channel 57: Clearly you haven't been keeping up, they're losing their war as we speak. Literally 80% of the Prinnies are dead, their war will be over by days end

Channel 39: Oh wow they did research, I guess they want a fucking cookie for doing their one job

Channel 57: We want no cookies from you, your cooking is probably as bad as you not doing your job right

Channel 39: Now you're just try harding to insult us!

Channel 57: At least we put in the effort unlike some people

Channel 39: We are taking this to the streets you better be ready for a fight

Channel 57: Man we've been outside your building waiting for this fight for weeks!

Channel 39: Then you better square up because we're on our way!

Channel 57: Bitch did you even hear what I said a minute ago

Channel 39: I don't listen to half the things you say because you're that annoying to listen to

Channel 57: Wow how childish 

Channel 36: No! You're childish!

. . .


Tamaki: Can we go watch them fight?

Sogo: No

Ryuu: Well..we know what they'll be arguing over next..

Gaku: Wonder who will win the fight 

Tenn: We'll never know because they'll fight over who actually won

Nagi: Oh..the news should get it together..

Yamato: I doubt that's going to happen

Mitsuki: Switch it over to some actual TV so we don't have to listen to these news channels fighting 

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