The fact that Eli wanted to throw his friends out a window mere minutes after they'd shown up wasn't even surprising.
He still wished he could do more than glare at them. A kick in the shins, for example, would have been great. Instead, he just shot them the most disapproving look he could manage as he tried not to look at the monstrosity they were holding. Eli also took a moment to bask in the knowledge that at the very least, Matthew wasn't around to witness the moment.
"It's our latest merchandise," Tucker said, sounding almost proud of the shirt he was holding.
"Michael said you'd appreciate it," Collin added. The smirk on his face told Eli he knew damn well the redhead wouldn't want a shirt with a shitty photo of Vigilante printed on it.
"Did he also say I think he's an asshole?" Eli thought that was a very important thing that should have been mentioned.
"Don't be rude, we came here all concerned and stuff and you get all snarky."
"Concerned and stuff?" Eli asked, not at all impressed by Tucker's wording.
"Anyway, Michael sent you this." Tucker held out an envelope, which Eli cautiously took.
He eyed it warily, not sure he wanted to open it. Unfortunately, both Tucker and Collin were eyeing him expectantly, and even Vanessa—who so far had just been enjoying the show after initial greetings—looked like she was curious about whatever was in the envelope. Reluctantly, Eli opened the envelope and pulled out a sickeningly cute card with a cartoon kitten on a bed, a thermometer sticking out of its mouth. Eli didn't know what his expression looked like, but judging by the snickering coming from his friends, it probably wasn't good.
It only got worse when he opened the card and read the message inside.
"Don't die, hiring's a pain in the ass."
Eli almost wished Michael was around just so he could throw something at him. He wondered if he could get his friends kicked out by claiming they were stressing him out and disturbing his recovery time.
"Well, that was nice and thoughtful of him," Vanessa said, not even trying to sound like she wasn't enjoying annoying Eli.
"Oh, it was something," Eli muttered. "When you see him again, tell him I hate him. I don't think I say it enough."
"Don't worry though, we'll let him know when we go talk business later." Tucker made it sound like they weren't just selling crappy Vigilante merchandise with Michael.
"Wouldn't want him to miss you too much," Collin said through a wide grin. Eli was suddenly very concerned about how well his friends were getting along with Michael.
"Oh yeah, how's the business going? Got any lawsuits from Vigilante yet?" Eli asked, knowing full well Matthew was absolutely delighted about the whole thing.
The idiot had actually bought a couple of things, as if it weren't his stupid, blurry self on those damn shirts. Eli just swore if Matthew gifted him anything he'd bought from his stupid friends Eli would leave him immediately.
"Nope, no lawsuits yet, but we are expanding our product line," Tucker said with a grin.
"We got some mugs. Figured they would sell at a coffee shop." Collin shrugged, looking a lot less obsessed with the whole thing when compared to Tucker. Then again, Eli suspected he was just going along with Tucker because they were friends and roommates. And also because any money they managed to make was a plus.
"I mean, there's a crapton of Vigilante obsessed idiots that stop by the shop to gossip with Michael, so yeah. Probably." They'd honestly picked the perfect spot. Anything even vaguely associated with Vigilante would sell so long as Michael continued to be obsessed with Matthew's alter ego.
ActionEli thinks life would be a lot easier if Matthew would give up his crime fighting shenanigans. Granted, if he'd wanted a normal life, he wouldn't have agreed to date the local vigilante. He still doesn't appreciate every criminal in the city trying...