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I've been waiting forever to see Jon again. I did not want him to see me all depressed and upset because of Lila. I separated from Adrien and started to wonder. Trying to block out the screaming that will forever haunt me. I just needed to splash something on my face. Water. I need water.
"Chlo? Hey, everything ok?"
I froze and turned around. "I'm ok. I just need a break from everyone." I tried to smile, but I turned into a frown against all my efforts.
Jon wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "Everything will be fine. I'm staying with you guys the rest of your trip."
I nuzzled into his chest and sighed. I felt safe and warm in his embrace. I could never feel this way with anyone else, so why was he different?


I watched Chloé walk away, and Jon follow after her. Helens arms wrapped themselves around my waist, my arm automatically wrapped around her shoulders.
"So that's why Marinette was so distant at Easter." She whispered.
I nodded numbly. "It's not an easy one to forget, that one was hard for everyone. Chloé ended up dying, Mari and I got really injured that day. She nearly bled out. It haunts her more then the others. She babysits a little girl back in Paris, Manon. Marinette caught her body after Mourning Mother killed her. She caught most of the lifeless children's bodies. It was horrific and scary to watch her turn into someone I didn't recognize. Like she wasn't actually there, just a shell of what remained."
Helenas arms tightened around my waist as she held me.
"I didn't know that. She tells me everything that happens in Paris. I knew about Lila the whole time. And when she had to disappear in the middle of the night to defeat the Akuma, and passed out at dinner, she told me that if she didn't, no one will. She said that the person who gave the earrings to her wasn't going to help." Helena said, I felt something wet against my side, as she pressed her face into my shirt.
"She's getting better, but it's just hard watching her try and do it alone. Salina and I are the only ones that can get her to open up about it all. And Damian. By the look on his face today though, makes me wonder how much he knows."
I was snapped out my thoughts by Salina and Harley walking over and gathering us up. Marinette snuck up behind us, her eyes were a little puffy, but she was blushing a lot.
"Anything interesting happen, Mari?" I teased.
She looked at me and smirked. "He caved." Was all she said, before we burst into laughter. Chloé and Jon rejoining a second later.
"What happened?" She asked
"Damian Caved." Mari laughed.
Jon smiled before leaving to find Damian. Chloé leaned against Marinette and laughed.


After my melt down and scream fest at the gardens, we went to lunch before going to the mall. Damian disappeared after he asked me out. I couldn't help but smile. Damian asked me out. Holly living hell, we're going out! Tonight! What the hell am I going to wear!?
"Mari, kitten, stop moving please." Aunt Salina said as she placed different outfits on my bed.
"I can't. We've been at this since we where ten, it could be a trick. I mean, we've had sex and kissed a bunch, but that was part of the game. And I'm really freaking out here!" I cried as I continued to pace.
"Kitten, it's the real deal. This is what happened when Bruce caved all those years ago." She said with a fond smile, and fiddled with the ring in her finger. "Now you have three options. The cute red dress with the white jacket. The black one, that looks like the red one with a black leather jacket. Or the sexy black dress, with one side longer then the other, with a leather jacket."


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I sighed and looked over the dresses

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I sighed and looked over the dresses.
"The last one. It's sexy and badass all at the same time." I said before taking the black dress and changing. When I came out, Aunt Salina did my make up while Chloé did my hair. My makeup consisted of dark red lipstick, and mascara. While my hair was left down and curled.
I looked myself over before walking into the living room, where Helena, Jon, Chloé, Adrien, and my aunts sat waiting. I slowly turned in a circle to show off my dress. Of course I got cat calls from my family and claps from Jon.
"You look amazing, Marinette!" Adrien yelled as he spun me around and dipped me.
I laughed before the smile infused to my face. And then the knock on the door, startled me, and the smile disappeared, and anxiety took its place.
"You answer it." I said and pointed to Adrien, before retreating into my room. I heard them laugh before the hotel room door opened.
I checked my makeup, and adjusted my dress a few times before going out.
And when I heard a small gasp, I looked up and smiled at Damian.
"Well isn't someone turning red." I teased. In all fairness, he looked really good. His black polo shirt, and blue jeans, really complimented his body.
"And someone looks good. Hot date?" He shot back.
I shrugged "maybe."
We stared at each other, but were interrupted by Adrien.
"I can feel the sexual tension, get out now!"
Everyone laughed, before Damian wrapped his arm around my waist before guiding me outside.

"You look amazing." Damian whispered, as he kissed me tenderly.
I smiled "Thank you, Dami. So do you." I said a little breathless. And by the way his eyebrow quirked, he caught it.
"Is the kitty flustered?" He teased me.
I smirked "wouldn't you like to know." I said back.
The lady in front smiled as she took us to our table. I was insanely nervous, like it shouldn't be possible. We've seen each other in very compromising situations, we've kissed and been injured, we fight crime together, but a simple date is scaring the hell out of me.

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