Chapter 2

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Helena and I have been communicating through text and video calls for the past two years. I started to develop feelings for the girl that was adopted by Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. Meaning she's Marinette's cousin. When I woke up to a text from Helena, I smiled.

Helena: did you know you drool in your sleep?
Helena: or snore for that matter.
I paused for a second.
Adrien: where you in my room?
Helena: Maybe. But you can't prove anything, Blondie.

I blushed at the nickname, before getting and changing. But when I got inside the kitchen, Chloé and Marinette were sucking down coffee. I sighed.
"How late were you two up this time?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Well, I was up till two. Chloé was up till 12." Marinette said with a sweet smile.
"And Marinette had a boy in her room!" Chloé exclaimed, pointing a finger at Marinette.
Mari had the audacity to look abashed. "I did not. He stayed outside my window thank you."
I gave Mari a pointed look and sighed. "What have we talked about boys being outside your window?"
She chugged her fourth cup of coffee and sighed. "They're not suppose to be out there. They must meet you and come in through the door."
"Very good. Now! Today we're going to the gardens. Marinette will see her cousin and aunts, and most likely Damian. Now Mari, I want you to wear that amazing dress you created based on CatWoman, whole Chloé will wear Harley Quinn. Now get ready!"
I laughed as they scurried into their rooms, the doors slamming shut. I dressed in a white tee shirt, with blue jeans, a leather jacket, and sneakers. And when Marinette came out she looked badass.
Marinette wore a black skirt, that fanned out a little at the hips and came down to her knees, a black off the shoulder shirt, that hugged her curves and was tucked into her skirt. She wore black flats, and a cropped, black leather jacket. Her hair was down with a little silver, flowery clip, pulled her bangs back. She had ok red lipstick and grey eyeshadow.
"I know for a fact, your cat and mouse game's not going to last long with you looking like that each day. And from what I could hear last night, it's only going to get better from there."
I laughed as her face bloomed in the color of a bright red.
"Don't start please." She mumbled, pouring another cup of coffee.
Chloé came out a few minutes later, rocking a black tee shirt, with a white leather jacket, that had pink and blue strips leading to the back were Daddy's Little Monster was written. She had on red leggings, and black combat boots. Her hair was pulled up in high pigtails, with dark pink lipstick, and blue eyeshadow. In al fairness, she looked like a hot mess. But in a good way.
"You look good Chlo." I said as I grabbed a cup of coffee and checked for another message from Helena. Nothing.
"Thank you. Now come on. I want to meet Harley and the rest of your aunts. And Damian!" Chloé shouted as she grabbed a to go cup and raced out the door. Mari and I following behind her.


I felt hot.
Not like, 'I feel good.' No I felt hot as hell. As we reached the lobby, we heard Lila telling (yelling) lies about the Wayne's and my aunts. But of course I ignored it, which made Lila mad, which caused her to stick her foot out and try to trip me. Again I say try. When your Little Cat for many years, then have a miraculous handed to you, and you start falling, you end up doing some sort of a flip or spin to remain upright. As I was falling, I stuck my right hand out and spun around on it before setting down lightly. I smirked as I turned to Lila.
"Your in my city now, Lila. I'll make sure you never get away." I said before I swished my hips and walked away, with my head held high. I linked arms with Chloé and Adrien, before walking outside into the Gotham air.

And when I saw Damian, Jon and Helena waiting just outside the hotel, I smiled before launching myself at my cousin.
"Helena!" I cried, as my arms wrapped around her.
"Hey Mari! You look good, Little Kitty." She teased, looking me over.
"Don't even start Flower. I have one for you too. And it's a perfect combination of your parents." I stated, hands on hips.
I heard Jon laugh, as Damian rolled his eyes. I smirked before walking slowly to him, making sure my hips moved a little more then they should. I reached up to his ears and whispered.
"I can barely walk because of you. I would be carful today." I gently trailed a hand down his arm.
I felt him tense, I felt him slowly turn my face to look at him. And all I could do was smirk, as I watched the memories from last night resurface.
"I'm winning, Mr. Mouse. Do be carful, we're in public." I reminded him as I stepped back a few paces and turned to Helena and Adrien.

"Hey Blondie." Helena said
"Helena, you look great." Adrien said as he nervously pressed his hands against his thy. Sweaty hands.
"Are you nervous Adrien?" Helena teased.
Adrien laughed before smiling. "Nope. Excited." He leaned in very close to her face, and I started to make kissy faces. But Helena was two steps ahead of me.
She pecked his lips and smirked. "Me too." She said before grabbing my hand and dragging me away. I grabbed Chloé's and we linked arms before heading to Helenas car.
"Blonds." Helena said, rolling her eyes.
"Wayne's" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Kent's." Chloé said, rolling her eyes.
And we all busted out laughing. And we could barely make out the words, but we got it, the boys said.
"We are utterly fucked." They said at the same time. Sending us into another laughing fit.

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