Chapter 6

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I managed to get 1/4 of the book done, before Damian and Bruce found me and my aunt in the library. And by their expressions, they were miserable. I ignored them and continued to read. I wasn't angry at them, I was pissed at Lila, but technically we only had on date. AND we're not exclusive. Because we've been playing our little game for a very long time. Arms wrapped around my neck, and a head rested on my shoulder.
"How you doing?" Damian whispered into my ear.
"I'm doing—wonderful." I whispered back, as I turned the page. I was actually reading this, it's really good. Feyre kicks ass! And Rhysand is hot as hell!
Damian gently pressed his lips to my temple. Trying to cool me off, but I was still pissed. And a glance at Salina told me she wasn't going to calm down anytime either.
"I'm not mad at you, I'm just pissed at them. They should know better by now. So I'm going to read till it's time to leave, because if I have to be near them again I'll slam them into a wall." I hissed. I gently kissed Damians cheek before I shut him out completely, and turned back to my book.
After the boys left, I glanced at Aunt Salina. I sighed, before standing up, taking a place next to her, and curling up against her. She moved her arm, so it was draped around my middle and we continued to read, till I fell asleep.


She's grown so much.
I smiled as I watched her sleep against me. Her mouth was slightly open, and her book was laying on her leg, holding her place after she fell asleep.
"You have grown into a beautiful young lady, Mari. You got everything you know from me, and I'm so proud of you. You act so much like me and your not even my blood. I am a mother to you in all things but blood. But I will remain the aunt so you can get your dream guy." I whispered, as I stroked her hair. I put my book down and rested my head against the back of the couch, and closed my eyes. This has been a crazy day, but it's always better with her next to me.


Two hours later and the class was finally leaving. I haven't seen Marinette or Salina since lunch. By the concerned look on fathers face, he was thinking what I was. We walked to the library and found Marinette asleep in Salinas legs, and Salina asleep against the couch. I smiled softly before I gently scooped Marinette up and walked to my bedroom. She curled into my chest, nuzzling against me as she got comfortable.
After placing her in my room I closed the door before heading to the kitchen to tell Alfred to have a snack ready for both girls.


I absolutely despise that teacher.
She's not even a teacher at all!
When I tried to talk Salina into coming back to lunch, she refused. She told me she wasn't mad at me, but at the skank hitting on me and would promptly throw her into a wall if she saw her again today.
When I came back a second time, I smile at the scene. Marinette was asleep on Salina brought back memories of finding the girls curled against each other when I checked on them during patrol. And when Marinette left, I would find Salina in Marinette's old room as she tried to keep herself together. I couldn't help but smile at them asleep together. After Damian carries Mari our, I pulled Salian into my chest and relaxed. Kissing her head softly, as she shifted to get comfortable.

An hour later she woke up. She yawned and stretched her long arms, and long legs, before looking around. She smiled at me before looking around slightly panicked.
"She's asleep in Damians room." I whispered, leaning over to kiss her.
She relaxed instantly and kissed back gently. A purr escaping her throat.
Smiling into the kiss, I pulled her on top of me before we were sprawled out on the couch.


I woke up to the smell of cookies. I sucked in a deep breath and sighed, before slowly sitting up and taking one from the plate next to my head.
"Glad to see your awake."
I smiled as Damian sat down next to me, kissing my forehead.
"Well, this is what happens when you don't get sleep last night. I wonder why that is?" I said giving him a knowing look. "How was the rest of lunch?" I asked with a slight bite to it.
I have no right to judge if he wants to date someone else. We've been on one date.
"Awful, why didn't you tell me your class is always this bad?" He asked, a tired expression on his face.
I shrugged and ate my cookies. "Did you save my place in my book?" I asked
Damian nodded before entwining our fingers.
We sat in silence before Damian made the first move again.
"What are we?" He asked
I choked on my cookie, and gasped for air. What the hell?! Where is this going? Please don't go there. I love him to death, but I don't know what's going on!!!
"What?" I gasped
"What are we? We've been on one date, sure. But we've been together before, what are we?"
"What do you want us to be?" I asked back, turning to look away from him. If this was the end, I didn't want to see his face. Everyone else turns on me eventually, why would he be any different.
"I want you to be my girlfriend." He whispered
I didn't let it sink in. My silence must have gotten his attention, because he moved so I was looking at him. He pressed a kiss to my cheek and lips, before pulling back. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked
It forced its way through my stubbornness, and sank in. I smiled and nodded.
"Yes. Yes I'll be your girlfriend."
Damian smiled before passionately kissing me. His arms wrapped around my waist as he peppered me in kisses. A few seconds later he stood up and spun me around. We laughed, before we stood in the middle of the room. Goofy smiles on our faces.

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