(Ari'della's POV)
As Coralin and I walk up the street back towards the white house we called home, a raven lands on my shoulder and whispers in my ear. 'Delease wants you to meet him on your balcony'
I nod at the bird before sending him on his way. Glancing at Coralin out of the corner of my eye it looks as though she didn't hear anything.
"Hey I'll see you downstairs in the main room for dinner ok? I got something I have to take care of," I smile at her, before turning to a raven and flying up to my balcony and changing back gracefully.
"Oh my Raven, it's good you're here. We have a problem," Delease says, sitting crosslegged on my bed.
Shrugging out of my cloak and hanging it on its hook, I turn and sit next to him crosslegged as well.
"What's happened?" I ask, before moving so my head is resting on his lap.
"Zashi informed me about 20 or so minutes ago that there's a town in need of our help. It's about a week away," he says, starting to play with my hair a little.
"I see. Does everyone except for Coralin and myself know?" I murmur, closing my eyes.
"No I haven't told anyone else yet," He says quietly, "because it's in your hometown My Raven."
Sitting up in a blind panic, I turn and look at him in shock. I couldn't seem to formulate actual words but I looked at him helplessly, shaking to the point I thought I would give myself whiplash.
"Will you be alright My Raven?" He asks, looking slightly worried.
I shake my head no, still unable to speak and jump off the bed, turning into a raven and flying through my open balcony door. I fly for quite some time until I get winded, and land on one of the many temples in Waterdeep.
'What on earth could have happened?' I think to myself, strutting back and forth as if I were pacing. 'God I hope they're okay.'
A big black raven lands next to me, forcing me to stop. I slump to the ground in a heap, twittering at him in a panic. I hear a gentle sigh, before the bird plops down next to me and nestles in, gently nudging me.
I slowly calm down, taking deep heaving breaths of the night air.
'Shall we go back now My Raven?' Delease's voice says in my mind, almost a gentle breeze.
I get up, nod a little, and we fly.
'Race you back to the house? Ive been practicing' I call back to him, hovering in place a little.
'Dont be upset when you lose My Raven' he says back, and we take off, zooming through the air as fast as could be.
In mere minutes we're at the house, but he makes it to the steps before me, transforming back with a flourish. I change back, doing a somersault in the air, landing next to him. He flips a 8/10 score card out of nowhere, before smirking and walking inside.
"You cheated," I mumble, closing the door behind me.
"I did not My Raven," I hear his voice from the common room.
I pout, stomping into the room and grabbing a bottle of fine elven wine and pouring myself and Delease a glass. I bring it over to him, and stick my tongue out, before sitting next to him, leaning into his side.
"So Zashi told me we all needed to meet here, what's going on?" Yama'ra asks, taking a swig of her whiskey.
"Well My Raven, it seems Caer-Dineval is in trouble. Its up north in Ten towns," Delease replies, playing with my hair in his free hand, making me blush.
"Oh no! Ari isn't that where you're from?" Coralin asks wide eyed.
I nod, stiffening up but relaxing a little as Delease kisses my forehead.
"S-So are you g-guys official n-now?" Zashi says, after taking a sip of milk.
"Uhm no," I cough, pulling away attempting to move.
He pulls me back to him, with a little too much strength and I end up on his lap.
"Y-you!" I stutter, feeling butterflies.
He leans closer so our noses are touching.
"Good to know I can make your heart beat like a humming birds," he murmurs before pulling away and addressing Zashi, "Yes My Raven, we're official."
I look at him in total shock, not believing my ears. "Its gotta be a goddamn prank" I think to myself, blushing as red as the wine in my hand. I finish off the wine as they're talking things through, planning on when to leave, and I nestle into his lap, nodding off a little bit without meaning to.
"Oh My Raven," a soft whisper in my ear as I'm being laid down.
I jolt awake, to see him crouched over me, straddling my hips. My heart starts racing wildly, my mouth suddenly dry.
"Y-youre messing w-with me arent you?" I stutter, squirming a little.
He holds my hands above my head, holding onto my wrists so I can't get away. His hair tickles my cheek as he leans in.
"Does it look like I'm messing with you My Raven," he whispers in my ear, nibbling on it.
"N-no," I whisper, trying not to whine,"I just thought you..."
He pulls away, stopping so our noses are brushing against each other.
"What were you thinking My Raven?" He whispers, eyes sparkling.
I tap my ears for him to take my earrings out because I felt embarrassed saying it out loud.I thought that most of the time you were just going along with it, but werent really interested.
The look on his face changed, and he pulled back and laid on the bed next to me, watching all the scenes in my head of why I felt the way I did. Seeing an opportunity, I jumped on top of him, in nearly the same position he had me in, still showing him the images. Flashbacks to when he saved my life, to my 110 year search to find him. Glimpses of near death experiences, all leading up to where we were at this exact moment. And then I let my mind wander into what I wanted at that exact moment. Traces of kisses and touching, sweaty body heat, and back curving passion. Before I realize it, I'm being pinned down again, my clothes being torn, and a soft gutteral growling coming from him.
You..you're So intoxicating, being around you makes me drunk. How could you not see it.
His velvet voice touching my mind, making me nervous. His fingers trace down my neck, tracing the scar before going in a line down my chest, stopping at my hips.
How could you not know how badly I want you My Raven.
With a brief pause, he takes off his shirt, and unbuttons his pants. As he slides his pants off, my mouth falls open at how beautiful he was, my mind filling with images of all the dirty things I wanted to do to him; I knew it was driving him insane. With a growl he leans over me, teasing me and sucking in spots. His hands hold both of mine above my head, forcing me to stay in one place.
"Stop. Teasing. Me," I whine, trying to get out of his hold.
Capturing me in a kiss that takes my breath away, his hand slides down my chest, his fingertips like silk. As he flicks on the little bundle of nerves, a moan escapes my mouth.
He starts sucking on my neck, rubbing faster and harder. Just when I think I'm about to lose it, he stops, edging backwards. I watch in shock as he licks down my stomach, trailing kisses down my hip, before stopping. He moves my legs onto his shoulders and I watch as he goes down on me, parting my thighs and sucking on the sweet spot. I grab onto his hair, pulling on it, begging him for more. The feeling of his lips, his tongue, was enough to make me fall to pieces. I could have sworn my heart stopped with the amount of pleasure coursing through my veins. Once I'm a twitching mess, he pulls away licking his lips and smirking at me.
"My Raven I don't believe I've ever heard someone scream my name so loud," He breaths in my ear, tracing my nipples with one finger.
I pout, wanting more, and start wiggling against him.
"Deleaseeeee," I whisper, almost silently, but there's no response as he traces my breasts. Without thinking I blurt "Daddy please."
His jaw drops, and I swear his eyes turned a different color.
"As you wish My Little Raven," he growls, shoving his thick, hard pulsating member inside of me. My legs wrap around his waist as he thrusts, trying to stabilize the movement. My hands scratch at his back, leaving claw marks. Love fills every inch of my being, his panting in my ear like music. With each thrust, it feels as though I'm being taken to heaven.
Delease, my love I'm going to come I couldnt even speak aloud.
"Oh My Little Raven," He whispers in my ear, and I cant hold it in any longer.
With a crescendo louder then ever, a moan escapes his lips, the sound making me whimper with pleasure. He pulls out slowly and lays on the bed, pulling me to him while breathing heavily. He plays with my hair while we both come down, my heart beating like a jackhammer. I'd never felt more alive.
That was.... incredible I think to him, tracing his tattoos. I have never felt more alive then when I'm with you.
"My Raven, I could say the same about you," He murmurs, twirling a bit of my hair in his fingers, then gently rubbing my back, the motion starting to put me to sleep.
"Get some sleep My Raven, we have a long week ahead of us," He says softly, kissing my forehead.
"I love you," I mumble, before starting to fade.
"I love you," He whispers in my ear as I fall asleep.To be continued ;)