Happy Anniversary

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-This was a random idea that came into my head yesterday.

Marinette's Pov: 

I get ready for the day and walk to school. For the past two years, the liar's threat has come true. Well she showed me who my real friends are. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have met my boyfriend. So that and finding my real friends are the only thing I'm happy about that has to do with her. That and her getting exposed. 

When I walk into class, I see smug faces on my classmates, a smirk from Lila, and a nervous Adrien. I just shrug and walk to my seat next to Chloe. We do our handshake we made up and look at the class who was staring at us. 

Adrien comes up to us, more like me, and was starting to sweat. "Um Marinette, I got told you have a crush on me." Adrien said timidly. 

I just stare at him. "Who told you that," I say, but I wasn't finished. Before he could start, I went to finish. "such outdated news!" I say. 

Everyone just stares at me confused, while me and Chlo just laugh at their confused faces. "Dudes. I have a boyfriend. Our anniversary is literally today. By the way, Chlo can you help me get ready for our call later?" I ask Chlo. She nodded and we looked at the class. 

I saw a flustered Adrien, a mad Lila, and confused classmates. 

"What do you mean you have a boyfriend?" The tabloid writer, Alya screamed. "You're just saying that to get him jealous." 

I just sighed. "I have pictures and videos of us if you want to see that I'm not jealous and that I'm not lying." They nodded their heads and I connect my phone to the board. 

In the first photo, you could see Marinette cuddling with someone on a couch. The person had tan skin and green eyes. You could see one of his rare smiles in the photo. Marinette smiled fondly of that photo and changed to the next one. 

The next one was of her and that guy kissing in front of fireworks. It was nighttime and there were other people in the background,  just blurred. Marinette smiled more at that, then changed it to a video. 

"Okay guys. It is me, Marinette with my boyfriend Damian." Marinette said while Damian just nodded. "Okay, we are going to prank Damian's family." Marinette said. 

She went off camera and brought back a tray of cookies. "So I made cookies since I am one of the two people here that can actually cook without risking burning down the kitchen." 

"Tt." Damian said. 

"I have put some ghost peppers in the cookies. There are two of them that don't have any. Here are the two." She held up two cookies. The difference between the two was that they were white with green sprinkles, while the others were white with blue sprinkles. "This video is to record their reactions and maybe get some blackmail material." Marinette said. 

"Angel you do realize that you have now officially entered the prank war between me and my family." Damian said, while she nodded. "You have to step up your game each and every time so they won't suspect it." 

"I know. I told Alfred to hide the milk so they won't get any. The only way to get some is to say my favorite hero." Marinette said smirking. 

Marinette called everyone into the kitchen. She and Damian hid the camera so it wouldn't be seen. They both took the safe cookies into their hands and passed out the cookies to everyone else.

"I made you guys some cookies. I was bored and decided to bake, so I knew you guys wouldn't turn them down." She said. 

They all took a bite into their cookies. Damian and Marinette were fine, but the brothers on the other hand were not. 

When they finally realized the spiciness, they had different reactions. Jason said some colorful words while spitting it out. Dick's face turned red, and was begging for milk. Tim was too tired to notice it, but just said it tasted funny. 

Jason and Dick were begging for milk so loudly that Bruce came into the kitchen. When he saw what was happening, he was beginning questioning if he was ever going to get a normal family. 

Marinette saw the two begging, and decided to say the price for the milk. "You can get the milk if you answer this. Who is my favorite superhero?" Marinette asked. 

They thought for a moment, forgetting that her boyfriend was a hero. After a minute, Dick finally realized it. "It's Robin. Robin's your favorite hero." 

Jason agreed, and they finally got their milk from Alfred, who mysteriously appeared. He gave some to Tim and made him drink it. 

The video ended off with Marinette and Damian kissing each other and them revealing that they were being filmed." 

When it was over, she looked at her class. They didn't say a thing. She was confused until she heard the whisper of Max. 

"That was Bruce Wayne." He whispered. Marinette just nodded like it wasn't a big deal. 

Adrien was jealous of the guy that kissed Marinette. Granted, he was just about to reject her, but she was his princess. She couldn't get kissed by other guys. That not how that went. 

Before anyone could say anything else, Mrs. Bustier finally got into the class and started the lesson. 


Lila was mad that she didn't see Marinette get rejected by Adrien. She was supposed to be sad that he rejected her. So sad, that she didn't see an akuma come and she'd get akumatized. She was not supposed to have a boyfriend! And she saw the way Adrien looked at her after she showed her kissing that dude. Adrien was supposed to look at her like that, not that goodie two shoes. 


After a long day at school, Marinette was ready to go home and get ready for her call with Damian. Anytime someone wanted to talk to her, she got lucky they couldn't because of the bell. 

When dismissal hit, she was the first out of there. But when she got out, she saw someone on a motorcycle. When he took off his helmet, she recognized that face. 

"Dami!" She ran up and crushed him into a hug. He immediately hugged her back, while Chloe came up to them, they started talking, ignoring everyone in her class giving her confused looks. 

Before they were going to leave to her parents bakery, he said something that made them all suddenly believe what Marinette said earlier. 

"Happy anniversary Angel." Damian said. 

"Happy anniversary Dami." 

They walked off to the bakery, leaving Max to figure out who he is and telling his class. They suddenly start yelling at Lila because she claimed to be dating him, but she clearly wasn't.

-I just had my second exam of the school year and let me say that I am glad I had it. It rose my grade, so I was allowed to get on my phone. 


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