Chapter Three

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Tuesday—Leafy's Home—Afternoon

Firey's POV

Leafy opened the door for me. Her cute giddy face wearing an adorable grin. Wait, am I falling for her? I focused on reality and walked in, taking in her beautiful home. It's sort of big and very nice.

"Wow! Nice place." I tried not to seem so enthusiastic about it. I looked behind to see her flushing up. "Hey, you good? You look like you have a fever." I knew Leafy had a crush on me. But it's fun to play dumb. She stuttered. Ugh I wanna kiss her so bad.

We studied and worked on our project. Finally done at 7:00pm. She and I cuddled on her couch. I don't remember how this happened but here we are. She's so cute when she's tired. She yawned like a kitten as I stroked my fingers through her hair. 

I heard the front door open. Oh yeah, parents exist. Tulip came up to me and quietly questioned who I was. "I'm Firey Anshul, your daughter's classmate. I came over to do a project with her. She and I are already done." I whispered. "Mmn, well don't mistreat her. I'll leave you two lovebirds to cuddle." He responded and left the room. Wh- Lovebirds!? I felt my face heating up as my tired little leafer snuggled closer to my chest. So cute, I kissed her forehead. She squeaked. Aww.

Such a sweet lil leafer.. <3

leafer is such a cute name omg i just had to use it vghfh also its midnight and i can barely see my chromebook keyboard hhhhhh

&quot;I'm Here for You.&quot; A Fireafy Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now