Chapter Five

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Wednesday—After School—Evening

3rd POV focused on Leafy

Leafy sat on her bed. Odd twitching of her body. Her head kept twitching, her hands kept shaking, it was weird. She was currently on the constant verge of tears. (A/N: Me all the time. Also no, it isn't her period. fuck periods they fucking suck) The lemon leaf remembered that Firey and she had exchanged numbers when he came over for the project. She dialed his number, then hesitated to call. She decided to just text him,
"Hey Firey, could you come over? I think I need comfort." She always texted with proper grammar. He responded with a yes and that he's coming now. Leafy shakily sighed before curling up into a ball and beginning to sob; she now knew why her body was being odd, she needed to cry after bottling up her emotions for years. The front door opened and shut. Firey. He went up the stairs and knocked on her door which she had told him which on an earlier date. He walked in, then shut the door behind him.
"Oh.. Leafy.." He mumbled before sitting next to her and pulling her closer into a cuddle. Firey rubbed her back comfortingly. Leafy buried her head into his chest while sobbing. 
"Hey.. Hey.. Did something happen..?" Firey asked, no response. The lemon leaf wasn't sure how to respond. She wasn't sure if something was wrong. Everything from the past was a blur. She held onto him tightly. Firey swayed from side to side while holding her in his arms. He knew she needed his company. He stroked her hair softly.

Thursday—School Hall—Day
Leafy's POV;

I walk across the hall alone. Trying to stay away from as many people as possible. I don't want to interact with anyone right now. I just want to rest. It's currently lunchtime, I have my lunch from home so I can eat away from others. Hmm, library or rooftop? Rooftop. I head to the roof as quietly as I can, trying to just look like any other boring student. Oh, who am I kidding? Barely anybody is even here. It's a rainy and cloudy day, the days I love most. I get to the rooftop and sit down near the fence. There's a fence to prevent suicide. The school is only a couple stories tall, should only break a few bones anyways. I open my lunchbox only to realize there's only ice packs inside. Fuck. Well I guess I can skip a meal, I've done so several times before. I set my lunchbox aside, and sigh. I just want to sleep forever. But I also.. don't? I mean, I want to be around Firey, he's amazing. I wonder where he is? Oh right, with his buds Coiny and Blocky in the cafeteria. Last night. Gosh I can't help but be so giddy when I think about Firey and those special moments together! I swear, he's my purpose in life..


Hiiii!! I'm SO SO SOOO sorry for not coming out with the next chapter. I've been going through some rough things with life and I've been extremely unmotivated. I've updated the chapters, although I am probably going to rewrite them. Life's been kinda crap for me. With losing a purpose in my life, to cutting, to being caught self harming and such and now having to be extra careful due to my family, etc. 

I'm also losing ideas for this fanfiction so I reallyyy need you guys to help out and give me ideas pleaseee. 

Also, as I'm writing this, we're almost to 1k views!! I'm honestly so happy about that, plus that's a LOT of people. Thank youuuu <333

&quot;I'm Here for You.&quot; A Fireafy Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now