Chapter Four

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[This includes some pretty harmful things, so be warned.]


3rd POV

Smack!  Leafy was slapped by Match at lunch. This was the usual. Match and Pencil were Leafy's bullies, and this time she was slapped for simply looking at Pencil. Honestly I wouldn't doubt that they make out in the janitor's closet. Match started punching her repeatedly, it wasn't even about Pencil anymore. Leafy sobbed quietly as she was beaten up.

The lemon leaf sighed, lunch was full of shit. As usual. She was in the halls leaning against her locker as her wounds were sore and painful. Firey saw her, and ran up to her, very concerned.
"What happened!?" He asked, worried and alarmed at her bruises. "I-I was beaten up by Match,," Leafy managed to squeak out, her throat hurt so much.

Wednesday—School—Halls—Early Afternoon

Firey growled in anger as he searched through the halls for Leafy's abuser. He.. wasn't sure why he was being so protective of Leafy, but he was. (A/N: it's called LOVE-)

He found Match, his teeth gritted as he approached her angrily. He punched the girl's eye as hard as possible, he's already pretty strong. "GH— W-What was that, like, for!?" She held her hands at her eye in pain. Another punch, to the cheek. Match started to get a bit scared. "Don't fucking hurt her again! You got that!?" He shouted, not caring about what the other students thought. Leafy watched through the hallway, scared. Firey growled, "YOU GOT THAT!?" He was about to land another punch when Pencil came out from behind her younger (step)brother Pen. Pen was a blonde boy who was pretty much a twink but was luckily taller than Pencil, he looked sort of strong which was why he acted like an older brother to his sister. "P-Please leave Match alone.." Pencil stammered a bit, she was pretty frightened by Firey. Firey looked at her, then looked back at Match and pushed her to the ground. Which emitted a loud thud. "Touch her again and you'll have another black eye, a bloody nose, and lost teeth. I'll leave you your central incisors if I'm nice enough." He saw Leafy leaving to go somewhere, so he followed, trying to back away from the scene he made. Leafy hid in a custodian's closet. Firey entered the closet quietly. 

"H-Hey, Leafy."
"Hi Firey." She responded. She didn't seem freaked out, surprisingly. The dim light made the closet seem calming. "You didn't have to hurt Match. I can handle these things myself." Leafy added. Her short blonde hair flowed a little because of the quiet air conditioner. "I don't want you getting hurt, Leafy." He sat by her in the corner and caressed her cheek lovingly, in a way of comfort. She leaned into it, calming down quite a bit. "Mmn.." Leafy leaned on him, adoring the warmth of his hand on her face. Firey giggled, knocking her out of her little trance. Leafy stopped and tried to apologize just for the male to softly place his index finger on her lips, causing her to stop and blush. (A/N: I love writing this way too much hehe) She sighed and just cuddled him, her head buried in his chest for the warmth. This went on for a couple of minutes, then the bell rang. Last class for the day.

"Oh, and hey, Firey?"
"Don't hurt anyone please. It's a little.. triggering."
"Alright, I'll try my best for you Leafy."
"Thank you."


They turned in the project btw! I hope ya'll like the finished chapter for now! Sorry for not updating right away, I had a small writers block for some time + emotional pain hhhhhh

But yeah please give feedback!! <:DDD

Edit: Also, i'm trying to go more natural with the hair and such, and I just love the thought of blonde Leafy hhhhh

&quot;I'm Here for You.&quot; A Fireafy Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now