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It was two o'clock in the morning when Jimin heard the wailing of sirens, shattering the peaceful quietness of the small town they were located in. But there was no time for to be wasted, following a small line of nurses and doctors as they rushed through the trauma wing to meet up with the paramedics in order to get a proper intake of the situation.

Doors were flung open, chatter starting immediately as Jimin took the lead instantly upon the arrival of a new trauma patient.

There was blood, and so much of it; Jimin's eyes quickly assessed the patient's condition and judging by the tattered clothes and locations of the wounds, he assumed it was a gang related incident. He expected as such, because Jimin's place of work was in the heart of an ongoing turf war between to major gang leaders.

Taehyung was his partner, had been his best friend since way before medical school, so he was able to count on the other male to have his back during emergencies. Much like right now.

The young man was clearly unconscious, most likely due to the blood loss – Jimin was quick to check his chest area to make sure there wasn't anything that was obstructing proper breathing.

"Anything in the airways?" Jimin asked when he noticed Taehyung immediately jumping to circulation assessment, a vital step to secure the blood loss.

"Airways are clear. He's going to need a blood transfusion."

All the while, many of the nurses helping them, were already jumping the gun and diving into the care the wounded man was in dire need of.

One of the nurses reached over with a pair of scissors, cleanly cutting the patient's shirt to provide a better field of vision Jimin was going to need to begin treatment. Time and time again, Jimin would witness the aftermath of gang related violence, quite a few having died already on his operating table; he just hoped this one pulled through.

"Injuries are deep, possible organ damage – we need to get him into surgery."

For such a small town, there were always so many deaths, and so little time.

When Jimin dropped himself in his desk chair, he felt like he was about to pass out from exhaustion; luckily for him, Taehyung was already knocking on his office door, peeking inside so that he could lightly wave around a cup of delicious coffee for Jimin to savor.

Feeling tremendously grateful, Jimin hummed happily as he took in the sweet scent of it, before taking a sip. Maybe it was because he was tired, but the feeling of liquid heat spilling down his throat was enough to chase away the stiffness of his muscles and bones. He was still weary, but he could afford a little bit of bliss after hours in the operating room.

And one that proved to be both rewarding and successful.

"God, Jimin, you look like you're on the end of your rope. Go home, you've been here almost twenty hours and you've barely gotten any sleep at all." Taehyung sighed, closing the office door and taking a seat on one of the chairs facing Jimin's own.

He knew the reprimand was coming; Taehyung was his personal clock and reminder – if his best friend weren't there to intervene every now and then, Jimin would surely work himself to his grave. But it's not like Jimin could really help himself; providing care for people is what he did; that was his passion, and it wasn't something he could just set aside in order to relax.

Especially in a town run by criminal gangs on all sides.

Most of his patients consisted of those having dealt with gang violence, whether they were just innocent bystanders or taking part in the fray; whatever the case, the hospital was never quiet for long periods of time. Besides, if Jimin was away too long, he would start to become anxious; he was a man of action and he didn't like the idea of being at home when he could be doing something to help at the hospital.

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