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Jimin sat at his desk, fingers tapping against it in anticipation. He couldn't believe he was actually here, with Jeongguk's file in front of him and contemplating on calling the young man. Normally, Jimin would just let it go and move on, but that wasn't something he could do.

It had been almost two weeks since he had last seen Jeongguk – that day in the room, had been quite a confusing and chaotic ordeal.

They had kissed.


Never had Jimin acted purely on instinct, all logic set aside as they both gave into some unknown urge to explore each other's mouths the way that they did. Just thinking about it now, had Jimin blushing stupidly, flushed and embarrassed in letting things get as far as they did without thinking of potential consequences.

He was a doctor, for goodness sakes! He made out with a patient!

Jimin was severely questioning his morals, but it's not like he could help it, not at this point. There was something about Jeongguk he couldn't shake off, and that kiss only fortified the feeling for the elder. Taehyung had been right, there is something that Jeongguk possess that keeping him from opening to people and trusting them.

His initial reaction is to push everyone away and to do it with a severe bite, but Jimin was able to see that it wasn't fully the case. Jeongguk didn't hate him – not like Jimin had thought before. Jeongguk had made it perfectly clear that Jimin was different for him. They didn't exactly go into detail, and it wasn't like they had all the time in the world to talk about it.

Kisses had ensued, but not long after, they fell into a comfortable silence, allowing Jimin the opportunity to continue to remove the stitches and get everything in order.

However, they didn't exchange numbers and they didn't agree to see each other at some point; Jeongguk had been quick to leave, with Jimin retiring to his own office soon after. It felt good, kissing Jeongguk, testing those waters, scratching that itch to be intimate.

But that's all he got from the other, because Jeongguk never showed again. And it's not like he needed another appointment, the rest of the aftercare could be done at home. Jeongguk didn't really need Jimin anymore unless there were complications. So, Jimin was left wondering about Jeongguk and where he was – what was he doing?

What did their encounter mean exactly?

Jimin couldn't keep up with something like this; he wanted to know. He needed reassurance that whatever it was he was feeling, was valid. Maybe he was scared, just like Jeongguk, scared of what it all might mean.

Why did he care so much about someone that had left such a horrible impression at first?

He needed to do something about this and right now, the only way he could contact Jeongguk, is by using the phone number on file. He was mildly embarrassed in having stooped that low just because he wanted to talk to Jeongguk about whatever it is they were dealing with.

But what else could Jimin do?

With a heart beating frantically in his chest, Jimin quickly opened the folder and swallowed thickly. His eyes took in Jeongguk's name, before he noticed the number provided by the younger – it was all or nothing. Jimin hoped Jeongguk wouldn't find at all weird and understood Jimin's need to put some of his frustrations and worries to rest.

So, he waited, placing his phone against his ear as he licked dry lips, his mind drifting around vague, Jeongguk slipping into his thoughts...

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