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Had Hoseok not been accompanying through the duration of Jeongguk's stay at the hospital, he would have gone completely insane. And at the same time, well, he wouldn't have learned a thing or two about the man that had him in his care.

Jimin and Hoseok were talkers, avid conversationalists and often forgot that Jeongguk was even in the same room with them. He could tell that Jimin was happy and enthused knowing that at least there was someone in the room that wasn't all around grumpy and pleasant. Hoseok blurred the lines between who he was and his profession – it was easy for people to let down their guard around him.

Maybe that's what made them easy targets.

But Hoseok held nothing but appreciation for the young doctor, asking about Jimin in genuine interest.

Throughout those conversations, Jeongguk learned that Jimin was also born and raised in Busan, settling for the small town because it was where his grandmother lived before, she passed away three years ago. He couldn't bring himself to leave even after she had gone, so Jeongguk was baffled as to why Jimin would stay in a place that clearly wasn't safe.

Then again, it turned out that he had quite the bleeding heart and Jeongguk couldn't help but be rubbed the wrong way. Everyone was selfish in some way or form, but no matter how much he tried to get Jimin to show the worst sides of him, he always failed in doing so.

He even went as far as to unnecessarily call Jimin out on some of his interests, but Hoseok shut him down immediately and he didn't bother to try again.

One evening, while Hoseok was away for some dinner, Jimin entered his room for whatever reason. Jeongguk debated on whether to give Jimin a hard time or not but thinking back on how Jimin looked when Jeongguk scorned his love for dancing, he figured he should tone it down a good bit.

Dancing wasn't a bad thing; it was the fact that Jeongguk struggled to keep from picturing the serene doctor and his dancing body – music silent, visualizing his pretty face.

He was growing irritated again...

"What do you want?" Jeongguk demanded, meeting Jimin's tiny frown due to his unwelcoming tone.

"Good news, actually. After looking over wounds, a good amount of swelling has gone down – hardly any fluids. You're healing along well enough to finally be able to discharge you." Jimin informed him, making Jeongguk perk up slightly in attention.


"Tomorrow if there are no complications. We even got your blood results back – everything is in order, Mr. Jeon." Jimin flickered his gaze towards the other, momentarily. "That's the end of that; you'll be free at last. Of course, we'll have to schedule some follow up appointments, trauma inflicted wounds require long-term healing and rest."

Jeongguk felt his mouth go dry, his eyes lingering on Jimin's form as he spoke in the same tone he always used when acknowledging Jeongguk. Compared to Hoseok, Jimin didn't really care to treating him as anything more than just a troubled patient – Jeongguk should be glad for this, but at the same time, something about it annoyed him.

It was something Jeongguk refused to question or even try to determine what the feeling was. Everything was better back then, before he arrived at the hospital and in Jimin's care.

"Good, I was getting tired of being in this shithole." Jeongguk muttered, looking away and turning his attention to the window, instead.

"You know, it's not as bad as you think. Staying here, that is. I'm doing my best here; do you hate me that much?" Jimin's voice was still even, but the question itself was not something Jeongguk had been expecting at all.

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